Le Jin looked bitterly at Kong Ming who came to the city again after three days, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he greeted nonchalantly: "I didn't expect to meet again so soon! Mr. Kong Ming."

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. Did the general sleep well today? Are you all right?" Zhuge Liang also greeted in a very friendly manner.

Le Jin rolled his eyes and didn't answer.

Hehe, what a joke, your army is almost arriving at Chang'an City, can I sleep?As long as you're here, I can't be safe.You cheated me so badly, but you can still say hello with such a smile!

Look at this hypocritical and treacherous smile, it's most likely a villain, and I want to cheat again!

Sure enough, the counselors around Liu Ke are all black-hearted.Whether it's Guo Jia Jia Yi or you Zhuge Kongming.

Of course, the most unscrupulous person is the King of Chu himself!

Sure enough, the black heart disease is contagious, one black one, one Wang Heihei!

Le Jin's face was calm, but in his heart he really greeted all the counselors under King Chu's account, including Liu Ke himself!

Although Zhuge Liang said to besiege Sanmenxia, ​​he still didn't attack the city immediately.Le Jin was flustered, wondering what kind of medicine Zhuge Kongming was selling in the gourd this time?

I don’t know if it’s because he’s been tricked a lot, and there’s a lot of panic. Anyway, no matter how he looks at Zhuge Liang, he feels that he has bad intentions and premeditated!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhuge Kongming was just playing the qin against the wind in the city, looking like a god stick who was about to ascend to heaven at any moment, and Le Jin was getting more and more popular!

Provocation, this is a naked provocation!

Zhuge Kongming is really deceiving people too much!

Le Jin calmed down his breathing aggrievedly, and tried his best to keep calm!

Don't be fooled!Don't be fooled!

He did it for you on purpose just to annoy you!

"General Le, I heard that last time in Luoyang, you gave Kong Ming [-] arrows? It just so happens that I am ambushed here, and the arrows are almost used up. Why don't you support me?"

Lu Meng swaggered and walked his horse under the city of Sanmenxia, ​​provocatively walking towards Le Jin on the city wall.

"Okay, see you off! General Lu will catch it!"

The veins on Le Jin's forehead bulged, and he suddenly pulled out the carved longbow from behind, threw it in front of him with one hand, and drew the bow and set the arrow with the other hand, the movement was done in one go.

With a sound of "Instigate!", a long arrow went straight to Lu Meng's forehead.

Lu Meng watched the sharp arrow shoot towards him, turned back and passed the long arrow, and dashed back to the horse, curled his lips and said, "Just one? It's better not to give it away, how stingy!"

"Fire arrows!"

Le Jin couldn't bear it anymore, and directly ordered all the archers on the city wall to attack.

At the same time as he shouted, Le Jin clamped the horse's belly, and the horse rushed out!

The arrow rain behind him happened to pass by him, and Lu Meng returned to Zhuge Liang's side unscathed.

Looking at the big black flag fluttering behind the Yanzhou Army.

Le Jin closed his eyes and began to bow his head in thought. After a long time, he opened them abruptly and made a bold and risky decision!

Damn, I can't bear it anymore!

Take people to raid Zhuge Liang's camp tonight!I see you, Lu Ziming, are still so arrogant with me!

night time.

Le Jin was dressed in black black iron armor and led a team of the most elite tiger and leopard cavalry. He sneaked out of Sanmenxia in the dark and headed straight for Zhuge Liang's camp.

Le Jin rushed into the big camp, but suddenly found that there was only an empty tent, and there was no one in it.

"General Le has worked hard, Liang has been waiting for General here for a long time."

The light of torches suddenly lit up all around, and Le Jin found that he was surrounded by densely packed Yanzhou Army soldiers.Zhuge Liang was sitting on a four-wheeled military chariot on a small hill not far away, cupping his hands and laughing.

"Kong Ming, you really have a clever plan. You know that Le Jin will make a dangerous move tonight and come here to attack the camp." Lu Meng jumped down from the side slope.

"Actually, it's just a guess. The key is thanks to Zi Mingli who aroused General Le's anger." Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said with a smile.

That means: if you didn't talk too much during the day, Le Jin wouldn't be unable to restrain himself from leaving the city so soon.

"General Le really deserves to be brave and good at fighting. This night attack is really unexpected. If it wasn't for Kong Ming's reminder, I'm afraid I would have suffered a big loss." Lu Meng also stopped being provocative, and put on a humble face, facing Le Jin road.

"The winner is the prince and the loser is Kou. Even if he loses, the general is convinced, so there is nothing to say. As for surrender, hehe, how brave is the defeated general?"

Saying that, Le Jin drew out his saber and was about to kill himself.

"Hey! A man can't bear such a small setback. He's going to die every now and then. He's really worthless."

Lu Meng smiled and kicked Le Jin on the wrist, directly kicking away the saber he used to kill himself. .

The main general was captured, and Sanmenxia collapsed without attack.

Lu Meng began to command his Yanzhou army, and quickly harvested other counties in Hongnong County.


Xin'an County.

When the 10 Yanzhou soldiers led by Lu Meng arrived at the gate of Xin'an County.Under the county seat, a row of people in official uniforms stood obediently.It seems that they are all officials of the county magistrate's mansion in Xin'an County!

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