As soon as he saw Lu Meng approaching on horseback, a tall, thin man with triangular eyes stepped forward and said:

"My lord, look at this whole body's demeanor. I'm afraid it is General Lu Ziming who swept away an army of 10 without any harm. My lord is famous. I have long wanted to meet you, the legendary hero!"

"You're the magistrate of Xin'an County? You're quite sharp-tongued!" Lu Meng smiled lightly.

"That's right, that's right, it's the small one. I don't know what the female general has ordered. I am in charge of all the affairs of these people in the city. If you have any questions, you can just ask me."

Looking at the man with a flattering look on his face. , Lu Meng waved his hand impatiently and said, "Go ahead."

After speaking, Lu Meng planned to turn his horse's head and go to see the city defense.

Suddenly, I felt the hem of my clothes tighten, and I immediately looked back, and my gaze met a chubby little girl.The little girl was not very old, maybe eight or nine years old, and handed Lu Meng a garland she made herself with a shy face.

"General, Lord General, Auntie said you are a good person, did you come to help us drive away the bad guys?"

The little girl asked timidly, but in just one sentence, the little girl's face turned red.

"That's right, it's here to stand up for a cute little girl like you!"

Lu Meng saw the little girl's twinkling eyes, bright and clear, and suddenly wanted to tease her.

Hearing this, the little girl blushed even more, like a blushing apple, she lowered her head directly, not daring to look at him again.

"Hahaha, I didn't know that Ziming, you are still so young? This makes the little girl's heart flutter, but you have to be responsible."

Suddenly, the familiar voice sounded behind him, his tone was lazy and a little... Uh, I need to be beaten!

"When did the military advisor come here?" Lu Meng turned around, and sure enough, he saw Guo Jia in a dark green robe, staring at the little girl with gossip.

"This little girl is a bit young, uh, but if you take her back and raise her for three to five years, she will definitely grow into a great beauty! Ziming, you have a good eye!"

Guo Jia winked at Lu Meng while talking.

"Military Master, don't make fun of me, shouldn't you go to Luoyang, why did you chase after Xin'an instead?"

Lu Meng decisively chose to interrupt the topic that was obviously off track.

"Ah, this, I came here specially to find someone!" Guo Jia pointed to Lu Meng, and said, "It's you! Have you forgotten what I said before, there is a very important thing for you to go to?" Do!"

"Only by the military division!" Lu Meng saw that Guo Jia no longer had a playful smile, but a serious face, and immediately understood that the matter might not be simple, and immediately took him to the county magistrate's mansion.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In a remote and quiet small house in Chang'an City, Lu Meng was dressed in commoner clothes, like an ordinary merchant in the market, sitting on a black wooden chair in the lobby.

Below him, a burly man with a simple face and a beard knelt on the ground, with a silly smile on his face and said: "I don't know that the nobleman has come from afar, so I don't want to blame him if I miss you!"

Lu Meng was a little surprised, and asked suspiciously: "Have you ever read a book?"

The black-faced man smiled honestly and said: "I didn't read it at first. My parents died early at home. I am an orphan who grew up on a hundred rice. How can I have money to study? But fortunately, I joined the Yangzhou Army of our king. Because the villain often wandered around the city when he was a child, he was very proficient in those gossips, so he was specially promoted by the military adviser, and came to Chang'an City to be a pair of eyes for our Yangzhou army."

He paused and continued: "The military adviser said that the people in Chang'an City are either rich or noble. If we spies can't read a single word, we absolutely can't do it, so we organized a private school in the army to give us illiterate college students The old man came to a literacy assault camp! That's why...hehe!"

Speaking of this, he seemed a little embarrassed, scratched his head and laughed: "After I learned how to read, I found some books and read them myself. The more I read them, the more I liked them, so I started to learn them. You are half a Confucian disciple, right?"

"Hahaha, good! There is a house of gold in the book. As long as you learn it with your heart and apply what you have learned, I believe you will be able to achieve great things! At that time, find an errand for a thousand stones or two thousand stones, and then seal your wife Yin Zi, you can be regarded as a glorious lintel!"

Lu Meng was very relieved to see that an ordinary soldier in the army was motivated, and immediately patted him on the shoulder to encourage him.

"Thank you for your appreciation!"

The black-faced man was overwhelmed for a while, and hurriedly got up and saluted.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Lu Meng waved his hand, got him up from the ground, and continued to ask, "How long have you been in Chang'an City?"

"My lord, I have been here for three years."

When Lu Meng heard this, his face remained unchanged, but his heart was full of dark waves:

Three years later, it seems that the military adviser has been arranged here when he first came under the lord's command.

Although the military division always seems to be out of tune, but his vision is really long-term. Did he deploy these as early as three years ago?

rely on rely on rely on!

Could it be that the military division is a god who can pinch and count?He knew so early that the lord would definitely rule the world?

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Lu Meng said: "Then what can you do to let me sneak into the Chang'an Palace?"

"This... is not impossible!"

The black-faced man wrinkled his face and thought for a while, then said: "But my method is a bit risky, if my lord is careless and reveals his identity, I'm afraid his life will be in danger!"

"A man, what's the point of taking a risk? Tell me!"

Lu Meng said nonchalantly.

He is a handsome man of seven feet, and he is a general who fights with people with real knives and guns on the battlefield all day long. He has his head pinned to his belt every day. How could he be afraid of such a risk?

"My lord, I can pretend to be the guy who transports ingredients for the palace, hide you in the ingredients and transport them to the palace. Although you can only go to the dining room, after entering the palace, those ingredients will be placed in a miscellaneous room first." Waiting in the room for inspection by the steward of the dining room in the palace, you can find a chance to hide before the person arrives."

The big man glanced at Lu Meng, saw that his face had not changed significantly, and then continued: "I will prepare a map of the palace for you in advance, and then you only need to go back to the dining room, and hide in the palace every day. Just put it in the swill truck delivered outside. I will make an appointment with him in advance where he will park the car for the person who delivers the swill truck, and I will meet you when the time comes!"

Lu Meng looked at the dark-faced man talking eloquently, and said seriously: "How big is the swill truck? Can it hide two men?"

"It's a big carriage, and there's a three-foot-high hidden cabinet underground, more than enough to hide two people!" The man patted his chest confidently and assured.

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