"Okay, I will do as you say! If the matter is accomplished! The military adviser will definitely be rewarded in every way! You are indispensable for a two hundred stone!"

Lu Meng raised his hand and threw a money bag over, the man stretched out his hand to take it, feeling heavy.

When I opened it, I saw two golden ingots inside!

"Take it and take care of it carefully. Remember, don't let the wind out! The rest is your reward for this errand!"

Lu Meng gave another warning, then turned and left. He also needed to prepare some self-defense items in case of emergencies.


Chang'an Palace, inside an unnamed palace.

Liu Xieku was sitting in front of the desk, with a few pages of a military book in his hand, staring at the slightly shaking bright yellow candle with distracted eyes.

At this time, Liu Xie's face was haggard, his eyes were dull, and his figure was a little stooped. How could he still have half the spirit of a young emperor?

"Your Majesty, it's late at night, go and rest!"

Empress Cao Zhen took a cloak and put it on for him, and gently comforted him.

"Queen, do you also think Zhen is useless? Do you regret marrying Zhen, a useless emperor?" Liu Xie asked in a low voice.

"How could it be, you are the husband of the concubine, the god of the concubine! In the eyes of the concubine, as long as you are safe and sound, I will not hesitate to sacrifice my life!" Cao Zhen took Liu Xie's hand , said with a sincere look.

"Empress, tell me, let's leave the palace together, okay? Leave this place of right and wrong, and then find a field by the lake, build a house, men farm and women weave, and live on their own!" Liu Xie's eyes were full of tears, Sobbed softly.

"Your Majesty, I will go wherever you go. No matter where you are, the place where you have Your Majesty is the concubine's home." Cao Zhen knew that this young emperor who had ascended the throne but was always in the palm of his hand , how difficult it is.

Accompanying him all the way to the present, she also sincerely hopes to have the opportunity to leave this cage and live an ordinary life with him.

"Your Majesty, we can definitely leave here. Have you forgotten what His Royal Highness the King of Chu has promised us?" Cao Zhen raised her head and smiled softly at Liu Xie.


"Bang bang bang!"

Liu Xiegang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a knock on the door, and turned to ask the figure outside the door:

"Who? Why did you come to my bedroom late at night?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it's an old slave! The Third Young Master Cao from the Prime Minister's Mansion has come and said that he has something important to come to see you!"

Entering the palace at this time, is there really something urgent?

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Let him in."

As soon as the words fell, a slender figure entered the room.

I saw that the young man was handsome and handsome, with red lips, white teeth, bright eyebrows and starry eyes, he was a real handsome man.

"Zijian sees Your Majesty!" Cao Zhi bowed down immediately when he saw Liu Xie.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Outside the White Horse City.

At night, there is a cool breeze, which is quite chilly.

Dian Wei, Lu Bu, and Zhao Yun led the Yangzhou army, and under the cover of the dark night, they were galloping towards the tiger and leopard cavalry that Cao Jun had broken through at extreme speed!

"Tap Tap!"

The dull sound of horseshoes resounded in the sky for a long time!

It made all the beasts living on the banks of the Jingshui River tremble with fear.

"General, King Chu's Yangzhou army is here!"

All the generals were terrified and said to Cao Zhang tremblingly.

One of the generals asked resentfully: "General...how about we evacuate quickly?"

Cao Zhang clenched his fist and said sharply, "It's too late, the only way to survive is to fight to the death!"


"Needless to say, all the soldiers listened to the order and went to kill the enemy quickly! There is still a chance to rush out after a desperate fight!"

In this situation, Cao Zhang has no choice!

Run or fight to the death!

Outside the camp of the Chinese Army in Yangzhou Military Village!

Dian Wei led an army of [-] tigers, rushed to the front of the army stronghold, and stopped the tigers in an instant.

In front of him is a deep ditch with a width of one foot, and above the deep ditch is a high fortress!

Behind the high base, there are a group of Cao Jun soldiers whose eyes are full of horror.

Even looking at the Huben army in front of the army camp from a distance, the soldiers of Cao Ying felt trembling.

Dian Wei looked at the deep ditch, looked at the high base, and then asked loudly to the heavily armored knights behind him: "Soldiers, can you jump over such a deep ditch and high base?"

All the knights stretched their necks for a look, and responded in unison: "If we use the horse's speed to run wildly, we are [-]% sure!"

"it is good!"

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