Dian Wei grinned and ordered: "The whole army retreats four hundred steps and charges faster!"


Afterwards, the [-] heavily armored Tigers retreated one after another!

Not long after, they suddenly came galloping with a majestic wind!

Seeing this, the prisoners in the military village were stunned!

"He... they want to..."

"This... this is a bunch of fucking lunatics..."

Vice General Cao Zhang was also shocked by the scene in front of him!

After he regained his composure, he hurriedly ordered: "Soldiers obey the order, and use arrow array to suppress the Huben army and rush over!"

Hearing this, a group of Yangzhou soldiers raised their Qin crossbows one after another, aiming at the tiger and ben army coming at a gallop!

Three hundred steps!

Two hundred steps!

One hundred steps!

"Tap Tap!"


"Fire arrows!"

Seeing that the Huben army was within range, General Zhou shouted decisively.

More than [-] prisoners in the front row immediately pulled the Qin crossbow!


The dense rain of arrows, with the sound of breaking the wind, shot at the rushing tiger army.

"Keep shooting, don't stop!"

Under General Zhou's general order, the prisoners then fired the second and third waves... crossbow arrows!

However, the [-] heavily armored tiger army braved the dense arrow rain without fear!

Still charging forward at an extremely fast speed!

"This...how is this possible!"

A miscellaneous general couldn't help being shocked when he saw the Qin crossbow arrow array, which did little damage to the Huben army!

At the moment when he was in a daze, the leading Huben army had already jumped over!

With a long hiss of the war horse!

I saw the shadow of the horse flickering, and the leading rider had already jumped to the front of the gate!

Immediately, a general with a pair of hammers sat upright, and charged at the Yangzhou army without slowing down.

"Quick, stop this person!"

The general was terrified and exclaimed hastily.

But it might be difficult to stop this person!

Because this person is Dian Wei!

"Hey... have a good kill tonight!"

Dian Wei let out a strange cry, and hit the shaft gate with Ma Suo's hammer!


The huge gate collapsed in an instant!

All the generals and soldiers of the Cao army scattered in all directions as if they had seen a ghost!

Dian Wei rode his horse forward, and hit a prisoner on the head with a hammer!

The man could even snort, his head cracked and he died!

Flesh and bones splashed out in all directions, flying several feet away.

"This... is... my mother!"

There was an unlucky fellow who happened to catch an eyeball, and was immediately frightened out of his wits!

When Dian Wei heard the sound, he ran up immediately, and used his double hammers to shock this guy!

"Do not……"

Seeing that the shadow of the hammer in front of him was getting bigger and bigger, this guy let out a scream, and his head was instantly opened by Dian Wei!

At the same time, the heavy armored knights crossed the deep ditch and high fortification one after another, and rushed into the army camp in an instant.

The Yangzhou soldiers were able to retreat and resist at first!

But as there were more and more heavy armored knights, these prisoners could only flee in a hurry.

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