As he said that, Lu Bu turned his wrist fiercely, and Fang Tian's painting halberd circled in his hand, and with the momentum of falling, he slammed it on Cao Zhang's head.

Feeling a gust of wind blowing towards his face, Cao Zhang was shocked, and quickly shrank his neck back!


Lu Bu slapped the ground with his halberd, instantly stirring up dust and smoke all over the place!

When Cao Zhang saw this, his heart skipped a beat, and he took advantage of the opportunity to pounce on him with his gun, wanting to take the opportunity to hit Lu Bu severely in one fell swoop!The spear in his hand was shining with cold light, and his eyes were murderous, and he went straight to Lu Bu's head!

"court death!"

Lu Bu's eyes turned cold, and he turned Fang Tian's painting halberd back!The end of the halberd struck Cao Zhang's chest!


This time, Cao Zhang was completely swept away, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, rolled over and fell off his horse!

Seeing Cao Zhang rolling off his horse, Lu Bu immediately sent Fang Tian forward with his halberd, and the tip of the halberd slashed towards Cao Zhang's throat!Moves change as fast as lightning!

Even if Cao Zhang is in a state of complete victory, he may not be able to escape, not to mention that he is already exhausted and seriously injured at this time!

Feeling the killing intent of Lu Bu's move, Cao Zhang sighed in his heart, closed his eyes and waited for death!

At this critical moment, a thin and small figure rushed towards Cao Zhang suddenly, and just blocked the halberd for Cao Zhang with his flesh and blood!


Looking at the person rushing towards him, Cao Zhang screamed terribly!This is his lieutenant general!

"General... general... hurry up..."

The young general who was hanging on Lu Bu Fangtian's painted halberd wriggled his mouth and uttered the last sentence with difficulty. Lu Bu swung the halberd, and the man fell to the ground suddenly, and died completely!

Several Cao Jun soldiers took the opportunity to help Cao Zhang up, pushed him onto the horse, and covered him from escaping!

Looking at the direction in which Cao Zhang was escaping, Lv Bu twitched his mouth, and his voice revealed irony: "Hmph! In the whole world, is it the king's land? Where can you escape? Sooner or later, you will die!"

After all, he turned around and led the cavalry to continue wantonly massacring those Cao soldiers who were still stubbornly resisting!


Cao's army camp.

The raging fire has ignited several large tents!

Zhao Yun did not attack like Dian Wei Lu Bu, but let the soldiers shoot a series of rockets from a distance.

It was the beginning of summer, when a rocket shot into the tent at Yuanmen, flames more than three feet high shot up in an instant.

With the help of the mountain wind, the tongue of fire seemed to have life, and rushed towards the surrounding tents!

Cao Jun, who was sticking to the big camp, was in chaos for a while, and began to command firefighting or run desperately in a panic. How could they have time to pay attention to the Jizhou army who had reached the hillside less than [-] steps away!

Therefore, Zhao Yun's side is the most relaxed one of the two armies!

As Cao Jun's tents were pulled out one after another!The remaining tens of thousands of Cao's troops had no choice but to leave the camp and flee towards the south hillside!

And the army led by Dian Wei, Lu Bu, and Zhao Yun will also be on the south slope!

"Come on, Feng Xian, Cao Jun seems to be in civil turmoil!"

Zhao Yun sized up the tent with its door wide open, and said with a frown.

Dian Wei grinned and said, "Hehe, that's just right, we don't need to fight, it will save us a lot of effort!"

"Could it be a trap, and they will besiege us when we go in?" The first thing Zhao Yun thought of was that this was Cao Jun's trick to lure the enemy!

"It's possible, why don't we surround this place first, and wait and see for a while!" Dian Wei looked at the two of them, and then suggested.

"That's a good idea, I agree!" Zhao Yun nodded!

"How can this work? I haven't killed enough yet?" Lu Bu was suddenly unhappy, and planned to rush into the camp as he spoke.

"Fengxian, you can't kill the enemy for the sake of killing the enemy in war. If you can win with ease, it's a great kindness!" Zhao Yun hurriedly rode his horse to stop him.

"Zilong's words are right, but if you are evil, if you continue to mess around, I will go back and report to my lord..." Dian Wei directly moved out Liu Ke to suppress him.

Hearing what Dian Wei said, Lu Bu could only bow his head and confess!


Inside Cao Jun's camp.

Cao Zhang is indeed in a dilemma.

"General, I have already ordered someone to dig a five-mile-long tunnel, so hurry up and escape with your personal guards! I will definitely hold back the enemy and buy time for you!"

A young lieutenant said with a righteous face.

Cao Zhang was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Is this true? Why didn't I know when you had the ability to predict the enemy's opportunity?"

"The general is absurd, the last general is just in case of emergencies." The captain smiled lightly, but there was a flash of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Okay, I will let you go! When I return to the king, I will definitely ask for credit for you. You are indispensable for being promoted!"

Cao Zhang didn't doubt that he was there, and immediately followed the school captain out of the big tent.

But before he took two steps, the captain suddenly yelled: "Come on, take him down for me!"

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