"Follow the order!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge fishing net immediately covered Cao Zhang's head!

If Cao Zhang, who had not been injured before, might be able to break through this big net with a weapon!But now Cao Zhang is not only injured, but what happened so suddenly, he was completely covered by the big net in a dazed effort!

"Captain Wang, what do you mean?"

Cao Zhang asked angrily while struggling in the net.


The school lieutenant laughed wildly, and said: "Cao Cao's tent is indeed full of reckless men! What future do you have with you? Sooner or later, the world will belong to the king of Chu! You are stupid, you can't beat the army of the king of Chu, why do you want us Soldiers buried with you? Today, I just made a small plan to exchange your head for my soldiers to survive!"

"You...you despicable villain, have you forgotten who brought you back to the camp when you were about to die of starvation? You actually want to claim credit for Liu Ke's army with my head!" Cao Zhang's face turned pale all of a sudden. , How could he refuse to believe that this lieutenant general who had followed him for more than ten years would turn his back on him!

"Hmph! This is the grievance between your Cao family and Liu Ke, and it has nothing to do with me! If the general surrenders with the crowd, he will definitely accept me!"

The captain smiled sinisterly, and continued: "You Cao Zhang is different. You are Cao Cao's relatives, and he must also hate your Cao family to the bone. In this way, your life can just vote for my deeds and exchange for mine. Prosperity and wealth!"

"Hahaha, who do you think Liu Ke is? Although this general is hostile to him, he has always admired him! Exchange my head for glory and wealth? I'm waiting for you on Huangquan Road!"

Cao Zhang looked up to the sky and laughed, the captain became furious and slashed at his neck with a knife, and immediately a bloody head rolled to the ground!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the city of Jinyang!

Cao Cao paced back and forth on his horse, feeling restless.

Cao Zhang's army has been gone for two days, but still no news came back.

This is not a good sign!

There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that Cao Zhang's entire army was wiped out, and the other is that he surrendered Liu Ke!

But Cao Cao knew very well that even if Cao Zhang's entire army was wiped out, he would not betray him and surrender to Liu Ke.

Therefore, it can only be the first one!

At this time, one person and one rider galloped from a distance, and the scouts who had sent out to investigate finally came back.

Cao Cao and a group of generals greeted him, and asked eagerly, "How is it? Do you have any news about Ziwen?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, something is wrong, Liu Ke's army is already fifty miles away!" The scout replied in a daze.


Cao Cao's face darkened, he clasped the scout's shoulders, and asked anxiously, "Where's Zi Wenren? Didn't his [-] horses restrain Liu Ke?"

"General...general, he is too miserable... woo woo..." At this point, the scout threw himself on the ground and burst into tears!

Xiahou Dun leaned over, slapped the scout on the face, and shouted sharply: "You bastard, tell me quickly, why are you crying?"

"General... The general was beheaded..."

Hearing this, Cao Cao and the others froze as if struck by lightning!

What he was most worried about finally happened!

And it was the way that hit the morale of Cao's army the most-the whole army of [-] horses was wiped out, and the main general Cao Zhang was beheaded directly!

"Liu Ke! I swear I will kill you! In sacrifice to my Ziwen's spirit!"

Cao Cao also had tears in his eyes, raised his head, and roared while gnashing his teeth.

He turned his gaze to the east, and said resolutely: "Leave [-] people guarding Jinyang. I have to lead the army to defeat Liu Ke in one fell swoop. If I don't skin him and cramp him, I can't get rid of my hatred!"

"Hold on, Your Majesty!" Sima Yi immediately stepped forward to persuade him.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you say that Liu Ke's army is invincible, I will kill and take your head first! Those who shake the morale of the army, behead!" Cao Cao, who had been dazzled by anger, continued to order directly regardless of Sima Yi's ashen face. :

"All the generals quickly go back to each department to dispatch soldiers and horses. After an hour, they will join the king to meet Liu Ke!"

After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves and entered the city gate.


All the generals responded in unison!Then, they rushed to the barracks of the various ministries!

In less than half an hour, Cao Jun's more than [-] troops had all assembled.

"Soldiers and soldiers, the [-] soldiers of our army and General Cao Zhang were all beheaded and massacred by Liu Ke not long ago. I want you to avenge General Cao's soldiers together!"

Cao Cao slammed the wine bottle to the ground and said loudly:

"Let's go! Avenge the [-] soldiers of Cao Ying!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill Liu Ke!"

Amidst the passionate shouts, Cao Cao led an army of [-] and marched to the east!


On the banks of the Yellow River!

Liu Ke's [-] million troops are in formation!

Cao Cao's army of more than [-] is also coming in mighty force.

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