It used to be the most powerful crossbow in Daqin, with a range of [-] steps, and skilled soldiers can shoot more, at least five to ten crossbows can be fired at the same time at a time!

Under such advanced gatherings, shooting through leather armor is like wearing tofu!

Even thin-scale iron armor can still be shot through!

When Xiahou Dun found out and shouted, the soldiers of the Huben army had already shot arrows raining down the sky!


Everything is too late!

I saw a mass of black arrows pressing towards the top of Cao Jun's head, and fell on the top of Cao Cao's former soldiers in an instant!

"Puff puff!"

Under the extremely powerful crossbow arrows, batches of Cao soldiers were shot into hedgehogs in an instant!

Just a wave of arrows rained down, at least thousands of people were killed on the spot!

Xiahou Dun's eyes were about to burst, but he was helpless against the magic weapon!

In the end, he had no choice but to give an order in grief and indignation: "Quickly, retreat the whole army and push them out of the range of the arrows and crossbows!"

At this time, Xiahou Dun didn't care what Cao Cao was doing to block Liu Ke's orders!

Because under such a rain of arrows, it is not so easy to save one's life, and it is undoubtedly a joke to block the Huben army!

Xiahoudun gave an order, and all the pioneers retreated like a tide!

However, they overlooked one thing!

They can indeed retreat, but the Huben army can also advance forward!

And the brave and fearless Huben army moved even faster, biting them hard!

Immediately afterwards, the second wave of arrow rain came down one after another.


Now, Cao Jun's soldiers who were retreating in a panic were completely reduced to a living target for the tiger's army's arrows!

Those extremely sharp arrow clusters came through the air one after another, with a cold light, and hit the backs, arms, and thighs of the disabled soldiers...

At the same time, Dian Wei, Lu Bu, and Zhao Yun brought their personal guard Yi Cong and killed them too!

And the powerful soldiers of the Huben army behind them are still shooting crossbow arrows at Cao Jun non-stop!

Yi Cong entered the formation to attack and kill Cao Jun, and Cao Jun's position was thrown into chaos!

However, in just a quarter of an hour, the changes in the situation on the battlefield made Cao Cao stunned. He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he felt chills all over his body!


Could it be that Liu Ke's army is really invincible?

Could it be that Gu really couldn't compete with him in the Central Plains and compete with him?

Am I really willing to lose to him like this?

Do not!

Unconvinced!Never admit defeat!

"All the generals obey the order, and stand alone against the enemy's attack. This battle will never retreat! Anyone who dares to take a step back will be killed!"

Cao Cao's eyes suddenly flashed fiercely, and he roared at the generals around him.

All the generals were shocked by the shock, first they looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally bit the bullet to organize the frightened remnant soldiers!

"The king's military order, this battle will not retreat! Anyone who dares to back down will be killed without mercy!"

After the various ministries issued Cao Cao's military orders, the hundreds of thousands of troops finally stabilized.

But next, they still have to face the tiger and wolf cavalry of the Huben Army!


"Yo, this group of cowardly rats won't run away? That's right, killing like this is fun enough!"

Dian Wei couldn't help being a little excited when he saw that the remnants of the army were slowly closing in and preparing to defend against the Tiger's army with a stance of death.

Because, rather than chasing and killing remnants and defeated generals, he prefers to kill enemies with resistance.

Otherwise, what's the point of just blindly slaughtering a group of defeated generals who have no fighting spirit? !

"Hey, let me help you wake up!"

Dian Wei waved the double halberds in his hands excitedly, and rushed into Cao Jun's winning army at the head of the horse!

"Hurry up... kill this thief for me!"

When Xiahou Dun saw a tall and burly man, Dian Wei, who was holding a pair of halberds, came to kill him alone, he immediately shouted.

Following Xiahoudun's order, dozens of soldiers surrounded Dianwei with spears in their hands!

Dian Wei squinted his eyes and looked back, Zuo Ji took advantage of the situation and blasted out!


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