One of them was thrown flying directly, just in time to bump into another soldier who rushed up, and the two of them rolled off their horses together!

The soldier who was hit by the halberd fell to the ground, his neck suddenly twisted, and he died of anger!

"Thief general, watch me take your dog's head!"

Then, Dian Wei turned around and set his sights on Xiahou Dun who was wearing fine scales and iron armor!

As soon as the words fell, Dian Wei waved his two halberds and rode his horse to rush over!

Looking at the imposing Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun couldn't help but tremble with fear when he thought of the injuries on his body. He immediately decided not to confront him head-on, and ordered: "Quick, hurry up and stop this thief! Anyone who takes off his head , Reward a thousand gold!"

Well, upon hearing this, the group of Lengtouqing immediately became enraged, raised their spears and rushed forward!

But take his head?

Sorry, how could a group of unknown soldiers kill Dian Wei?

It's not bad to be able to block him for a while!

At this moment, Dian Wei danced vigorously with the halberds in his hands, and his arms were even faster, leaving only afterimages!

In just a few breaths, the soldiers who had just rushed up turned into headless corpses.

Seeing this tragic scene, the rest of the soldiers dared to step forward to resist!

Xiahou Dun was frightened and angry, his blood spurted by the bloodthirsty scene in front of him, he just wanted to raise his gun and fight Dian Wei to the death.

"The thief general is so rampant!"

Just when he was in a dilemma, a clear shout sounded behind him!

"Watch me take your head!"

Hearing a shout, Xia Houlian killed him with a long spear.

"'s just in time!" Dian Wei raised the corner of his mouth, swung his right halberd forcefully and went up to meet him!

"Clang! Dangdang!"

With a huge force, the halberd collided with the spear in Xia Houlian's hand in an instant.

The long spear broke immediately, and Xia Houlian was also sent flying by that force, losing control in an instant!

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Dian Wei immediately leaped over, raised his halberds violently, and blasted towards Xia Houlian's head!

"Do not……"

Xiahou Dun let out a yell!


And then... no more!

"My mother! Is he still human?"

"Little General Xiahou's head..."

All this happened in an instant, and when the soldiers realized it, they found that Xiahou Dun's head was gone.

Immediately, the army began to become chaotic.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hey...don't worry about being sad, if you are afraid that your general will leave alone, then I might as well send you down to accompany her! Old thief Xiahou, I will send you to the underworld to reunite with your son!"

Dian Wei grinned, and immediately killed the panicked soldiers!

On the other side, Lu Bu also turned into a god of killing, wantonly harvesting heads among Cao Jun's soldiers!

During the flickering cold light of Fang Tian's painted halberd, the heads of Cao Jun's soldiers rolled down like this.

At this moment, Lu Bu on the other side was also drenched in blood, but his killing intent was not diminished at all!

And the blood-stained road behind him was piled up like a mountain full of corpses of Cao Jun's soldiers.

"The daring thief general slaughtered his own soldiers like this, look at the axe!"

At this time, one of Cao Jun's mighty generals galloped towards Lu Bu on horseback. He waved a big ax in his hand and said provocatively.

"Hmph! Those soldiers of yours are the generation of chickens and dogs, so what's the matter?!"

Lu Bu looked at the general with a proud face, and as he said, he clamped his horse's belly, and sent Fang Tian's painted halberd forward in his hand, and then he went to meet him!

"The thief general Mo Yan is arrogant! Watch me fight you!"

Seeing Lu Bu rushing up, there seemed to be anger gushing out of the titan's eyes, and he shouted loudly!

At the moment when the two horses were about to collide, he slashed the long ax in his hand and slashed directly at Lu Bu's throat!


Lu Bu calmly swung Fang Tian's halberd horizontally, just in time to block the blow of his long axe!

Then, he kicked the titan's mount on the head!

The snow-white war horse hissed for a long time, and then fell to the ground in response!

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