Xia Houchong was also frightened and stood aside, unable to speak for a long time.

He also didn't expect that Dian Wei, who had always been well-known in Liu Ke's army, would be so fierce. This... this is not human at all, okay?He is clearly a humanoid beast!

No, I can't fight him!run!Can only run!

When he reacted, he saw the tiger and cardinal army cavalry rushing up like a stormy sea.

"Quick...quick retreat!"

Xia Houchong was so frightened by Dianwei that he hurriedly turned his horse's head and was about to flee to the tower behind.

Now, he gave up the idea of ​​fighting with him, and only felt that running for his life was the right way.

"The thief will not escape! Eat me first!"

When Dian Wei saw Xia Houchong who was riding a horse back from the outside of the army, he immediately clamped the horse's belly, waved the big taboo in his hand, and chased after him.

The soldiers of the Cao army rushed forward one after another, but none of them could stop his mighty strike!

Soon, Dian Wei swept a bloody path and rushed out of the army formation, only five steps away from Xia Houchong!

He threw the big halberd in his hand suddenly, and the blade of the halberd just hit Xia Houchong's back heart impartially!


Xia Houchong vomited blood from the smashed ground, and felt a sharp tearing pain in his back, blood burst out from the wound instantly, his body tilted, and then rolled to the ground, dying of breath!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chang'an City.

"Your Majesty, this is Fugui Casino."

Jing Zhaoyin was leading the way ahead, and the Fugui gambling house in front of him was brightly lit, with people coming and going, very lively.

"Oh, what a grand gambling house! It's almost catching up with my Chang'an Palace!"

Liu Xie snorted coldly, his eyes were icy cold.

Soon, under the sound of complicated footsteps, headed by Dong Cheng Zhangyang, a group of nobles came in a hurry, and they all knelt down to Liu Xie and saluted respectfully.

"Long live Your Majesty."

They said beautiful words, but these people are all extremely angry with Liu Xie at this moment!

Unexpectedly, this young puppet emperor actually intervened in the thorough investigation of the honorable family in Chang'an City!

Liu Ke bullied them, Cao Cao bullied them, and now even an emperor who is about to step down is coming to bully them!

This time, if they had to swallow their anger, wouldn't it be a joke?

All of a sudden, on the street in front of Fugui Casino, all the nobles knelt down, but remained motionless, their eyes fixed on Liu Xie who was wearing a dragon robe.

Dong Cheng, Situ Gong and the others in the lead were even more glaring, looking like a full-fledged elder.

"My dear family, you are mobilizing the teachers, why are you here?"

Liu Xie's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't let everyone get up. He just put his hands behind his back and glanced away coldly: "It's for the business tax of this wealthy gambling house, right?"


Seeing that his own flesh was cut, Dong Cheng was not polite, got up directly, blushed and said, "Your Majesty, do you really want to kill us all?"

"Kill them all? A mere five hundred taels of silver is not enough for your car and cavalry general to have a banquet. Why did the car and cavalry general say that?"

Liu Xie sneered, and glanced at the faces of the group of people one by one. This big man has a lot of honors.

Then, when it was fixed on Dong Cheng, it became even colder by three points in an instant.

Liu Xie knew very well that the so-called head of state, the so-called chariot general, was a heinous moth!

"Your Majesty competes with the people for profit, disregards Gaozu's imperial orders, and disregards the life and death of the common people, smashes the bones and sucks the marrow, and fishes out the marshes. When Emperor Shenzongxian is alive, I am afraid that he is not as shameless as His Majesty!"

Dong Cheng gritted his teeth and shouted, with a righteous attitude.

Yo, are you scolding the emperor in the street? !

Liu Xie couldn't help but get angry, he really underestimated the shamelessness of his father-in-law!

"General Chariot, this is Your Majesty..."

Just as he was about to speak, Yang Feng stood aside, reminding him tremblingly.

It means that you can just scold him behind his back, but now scolding His Majesty for being shameless in front of His Majesty, this is really disrespectful of etiquette!

"Huh! The monarch is stupid, greedy for money, and doesn't know how to be an emperor, so why not scold him?!"

Dong Cheng glared at Yang Feng, who shrank his neck in fright and hid behind Liu Xie.

Seeing this, Dong Cheng laughed arrogantly, glanced at the nobles behind him, and said confidently: "Today! I, Dong Cheng, would rather be put to death at a later date, and I want to speak out for the great Han Dynasty!"

Anyway, with so many people present, he didn't believe that his son-in-law dared to destroy him in front of so many people.

Thinking in his heart, Dong Cheng took out the unique skill of the courtiers with foreign relatives in the Han Dynasty - scolding the emperor!

"The ancestors of the big man! Open your eyes and see, this is the current day of my big man!

"In today's world, when a young man proclaims himself emperor, it is we who waited for the nobles to plan for the great Han country, punish the eunuchs, and return the great man to a bright future!

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