"Your Majesty doesn't think eastward to suppress traitors in the Jiangdong, middleman doesn't think clearly about rewards and punishments, helps the country, and doesn't let the people cultivate their health and rest, heal their wounds and relieve their pain!"

"You actually treat me and other heroes of many generations as swords and fish, wantonly bullying, and completely ignore the merits of our ancestors and ancestors for sharing the country's worries!"

"In the long run, the country will not be the country, the country will not be the country!"

"The country will not be the country, the country will not be the country!"

Dong Cheng was hoarse, until the end of the shout, his voice was almost hoarse, and he looked like he was going crazy, which attracted the echo of all the nobles.

All of a sudden, the people kneeling on the ground were stunned. They were all dumbfounded when they looked at these big fellows.

"What happened?"

"The head of the state is indeed a loyal and direct minister, even the emperor dares to scold him!"

"Big man, it is with this kind of loyal minister that the country can last for three hundred years..."

All of a sudden, these poor people, who had nothing to eat, were moved by Dong Cheng's unrestrained performance. They all gave thumbs up quietly, thinking that Dong Cheng was a famous official in the world.

"Clap clap clap..."

Seeing Dong Cheng's wonderful performance as if he was a dance master, Liu Xie actually started to applaud, and he couldn't help but marvel at his thick skin.

This kind of performance is done at will. When Mr. Guozhang is free on weekdays, he should practice a lot, right?

"Well said, well said!"

Liu Xie sighed and praised, but the murderous intent towards this old man in his heart became stronger!

"Please take back your life, Your Majesty!"

Dong Cheng thought that Liu Xie had been moved by what he said, so he snorted in disdain, knelt down, and hit his head on the muddy ground full of horseshoe marks.

At this moment, the Outer City of the Capital has not yet laid floor tiles.

"Your Majesty, take it back!"

Dong Cheng and his subordinates, led by King Dongping and Marquis Xingping, also shouted angrily, and their hearts were filled with joy.

Originally, they were afraid that the emperor would be difficult to settle.

But looking at it now, it's nothing more than mediocre!

A nineteen-year-old young emperor is nothing more than a young man who wants to fight against them!

They are all old foxes who have gone through three generations of Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun and Cao Cao. They have never seen such a big storm, and even this little emperor who has just grown his mouth is worthy of their attention?

Liu Xie's only choice now is to obediently take back his life and gain a reputation for being generous with advice.

If the little emperor had a higher IQ, he could have repented immediately and pulled out Jing Zhao Yin Yang Feng as a substitute for the dead ghost, so as to save the face of his emperor.

This game, I will win!

But when all the nobles were ready to compliment Liu Xie for his generosity, Liu Xie's next move left them stunned.

The young emperor glanced at them like an idiot, and then he took out a silk melody from his cuff and handed it to Jing Zhaoyin Yang Feng.

"Read!" Liu Xie shouted coldly.


Yang Feng quickly took it, and just glanced at the teeny-headed script on the silk silk, and was instantly frightened in place.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... This..."

Yang Feng's eyes widened, and he held the imperial decree tremblingly. He wanted to ask, are the imperial decrees written correctly? !

Just now he advised General Cheqi not to be so hostile to His Majesty, who would have thought that retribution would come in a blink of an eye?

Liu Xie sneered: "I tell you to read!"

"Sir, read it now, read it now!"

Yang Feng gulped down his saliva, suppressed his fear, and subconsciously gave Dong Cheng a sad look.

With just this one glance, Dong Cheng, who had already thought he had the chance to win, suddenly felt an inexplicable nervousness.

What is written on it?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Dong Cheng, the chariot and cavalry general of the Han Dynasty, forcibly occupied three thousand hectares of fertile land in Liang County, thirteen canals for waterways, storage and nine sea defense fortresses and two places!

"There are also twenty-seven merchant ships, capitalizing on the enemy Yuan Shao's three thousand ingots of pig iron, fifty thousand catties of wrought iron, twenty-seven collars of armor made privately, five hundred and seventy family servants privately taken in, and thirty-one civilian women forcibly robbed. The terraces and pavilions have overtaken the thirteen places of the princely system..."

"This... this... you checked me?! You actually checked me?!"

Dong Cheng's eyes were wide open, and he trembled when he spoke.

With Yang Fengnian's words, Dong Cheng's heartbeat stopped and his bones trembled.

With Yang Fengnian's words, the big Han Xungui behind Dong Cheng turned pale.

By the time Yang Feng finished reading the several-page statement, Dong Cheng's body was shaking like chaff.

The nobles behind Dong Cheng were already sweating profusely at this moment.

They have done more stupid things than Dong Cheng, not less than Dong Cheng!

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