If Liu Xie continues to investigate in one go, even if they have ten heads, they won't be enough to chop off!

All of a sudden, the people around were gasping for air. They didn't have enough to eat, and they didn't have enough clothes to wear. How could this big man's father-in-law live such a life?

Fortunately, everyone thought this was a loyal minister of the big man!

In an instant, the way everyone looked at Dong Cheng changed completely.

"A good country will not be a country."

Liu Xie walked up to the trembling Dong Cheng, and sneered coldly: "If you let this group of corpses eat vegetarian meals and act recklessly, I am a big man, and I will really lose my country!"

"Dong Cheng, as the head of the state, you know how to break the law, what should you do?!

"You ask me that I won't be the emperor, so why don't you sit on the throne, how about it?!"


As soon as these words came out, Dong Cheng was so frightened that his face turned pale.

He took advantage of the young emperor and his son-in-law, so he wanted to bluff him as an elder.

In this way, if he is in the limelight today, he will be able to speak his mind among the nobles of the big man in the future.

Unexpectedly, the emperor had already made preparations!

Dong Cheng's face was full of fear and astonishment, he kowtowed and screamed: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Whether you should die or not is up to the Dali Temple!" Liu Xie sneered and said in a condensed voice, "I have ordered that from today onwards, General Dong Cheng of Chariot and Cavalry will be imprisoned, and the nobles will be reduced to the people, and they will be beaten into the households of the people! No one is allowed to intercede, otherwise they will be punished with the same crime!"


As soon as Liu Xie finished speaking, Dong Cheng slumped to the ground, his face pale instantly...

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty reduced the father-in-law into a citizen and transferred him to Dali Temple for punishment!"

"As a nobleman of the imperial court, Dong Cheng, the emperor of the great Han Dynasty, actually enriched his own pockets, stole money to benefit the enemy, and seized the people's wealth. He deserves to be killed!"

"The Son of Heaven is cold and stern, he is upright and upright, he is a generation of Mingjun!"

"These moths should have been killed long ago, the Son of Heaven is truly the Holy Lord!"

For a time, inside and outside Chang'an City, in the streets and alleys, Liu Xie's resolute and righteous feat of killing relatives was being spread everywhere.

Countless people shouted loudly at what Dong Cheng and others said and did.

There is even a storyteller, who is merciless in his writing, making a big fuss about Dong Chengqiang's robbing of [-] civilian women, and making up countless jokes for folk entertainment.

Soon, in the teahouses and restaurants in the streets and alleys, the dirty jokes about the [-]th daughter of the chariot general Ye Yu became very popular, and Dong Cheng, the father of the country, even got an extra nickname because of it.

Hua Tai Sui Dong Cheng!

But different from the past, this time, the aristocratic family saw that Xungui was deflated, but all of them sneered and kept silent.

Even on Yushitai, few unlucky censors jumped out to accuse Liu Xie of disregarding family affection.

Just because a few days ago, when the family group was slaughtered by Liu Xie, these noble old dogs pretended to turn a blind eye, as if they were watching from the sidelines.

Now, the Xungui Group headed by Dong Cheng is going to be unlucky. It is too late for the aristocratic family to see the joke. Who will offend the current emperor because of Dong Cheng who is stingy and stingy?

Dongping Palace.

King Dongping held a yellow scroll in his hand, his face was gloomy, and his heart couldn't be calm for a long time.

This yellow scroll is exactly the document issued by the Shuntian Mansion today.

According to Liu Xie's order, all the nobles in the court are required to purchase all the royal business cards of the merchants under their jurisdiction within three days.

If there is non-compliance, it will be punished as a crime!

Looking at the big red seal at the end of the yellow scroll, and recalling Liu Xie's decisive and resolute attitude in front of the Fugui gambling house yesterday, King Dongping stared at it with bated breath, and was so angry that he couldn't help but sway.

"A little boy is so difficult to deal with. Could it be that those gestures before were all intentional signs of weakness?"

King Dongping frowned and said to himself, and sighed helplessly when he thought of the fate of General Cheqi.

"That's all, bear with it, the big deal is to raise a few dancers, it's not a big deal."

Dongping Wang Liumeng made up his mind and was planning to send someone to the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion to bring back the royal business card when a servant suddenly came in to report.

"Master, someone from Pengcheng Prince's Mansion is here to invite you to drink tea."

Pengcheng King Liu Ji?It's this time, is he still in the mood for tea?

Liu Meng was stunned for a moment, this Pengcheng King Liu Ji is the leader among the nobles, since he inherited the honor at a young age, he has been the prince of the Han Dynasty for more than [-] years, his seniority is extremely high and his prestige is extremely deep!

From the usurpation of power by his relatives back then to Dong Zhuo's chaos later, Liu Ji, the king of Pengcheng, has always made his bets firmly.

It can be said that today's son is able to ascend to the throne of God, thanks to Liu Ji and the officials who made a table together to protect Liu Xie's elder brother.

Otherwise, it would not be Liu Xie who is sitting on the Golden Luan Hall now.

"Pengcheng Wang's family can say, did they discuss with the old man alone, or did they invite other people?"

Surprised, Liu Meng suddenly asked a question.

"I heard that all the nobles in Jingzhong, except Lord Ding, who is already bedridden, the rest of the nobles, Lord Pengcheng, have invited them over." The visitor said respectfully.

All honored guests have been invited?

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