This posture, could it be that he wants to force the palace? !

Liu Meng's face froze, and he got up quickly, before he even had time to prepare the sedan chair, he led a few servants and rushed to the Prince Pengcheng's mansion on horses.

At this moment, the Pengcheng Prince's Mansion is full of guests, singing and dancing, and all the nobles who can be called by name, who can come, have come.

Densely packed, the entire hall was filled, and their faces were full of indignation.

"Pengcheng Wang Wanfu, please come here this time, but... is it about discussing royal commercial taxes?"

King Dongping rushed straight into the main hall, straight to the point.

Liu Ji, the king of Pengcheng, was sitting on the main seat, with an old face, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

"Go down!"

With a wave of their hands, all the dancers with enchanting figures left the hall quickly.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became serious. All the nobles who were still laughing and scolding just now sat up straight and looked at the highest status King Dongping and King Pengcheng.

Today, whether Xungui accepts softness or insists on it depends on the meaning of the two noble officials, King Dongping and King Pengcheng.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing everyone looking at him one after another, Pengcheng King Liu Ji smiled triumphantly, raised his jade cup, and said with his head raised:

"Everyone, my ancestors, either follow the great grandfather to set the Central Plains in the north and expel the Tartars, or follow the great grandfather to settle down the country and conquer Mongolia five times!

"Everyone can think about it, if we hadn't been guarding the Dahan rivers and mountains for the pillars and stones of the country, how could our Dahan Guozuo last for thousands of generations and be famous in all nations?"

Liu Ji's tone is majestic, every word is pearly, and the meaning in the words is already obvious.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the nobles under him couldn't help shouting.

"King Pengcheng is right. If our ancestors hadn't fought on the battlefield, how could the great Han Dynasty come from today!"

"That's right, the Son of Heaven is going to exhaust his wealth and compete for profit with the people. We rely on the virtues of our ancestors to acquire a small amount of land. Who are we going to provoke?"

"Back then, Zhang Juzheng didn't dare to touch Lao Tzu with a single stroke of the whip, so why is it the turn of the people in the palace to reach out to us now?"

These people dare not directly scold Liu Xie, but every sentence is attacking Liu Xie's royal business strategy.

It even reached the point where there are too many books to write.

All of a sudden, everyone spoke one after another, and the whole hall was filled with anger. King Dongping was bewildered, and his heart was pounding.

Are these people really going to fight with His Majesty to the end?

If it was before, he would naturally not be afraid.

But since he saw Liu Xie's methods yesterday, he suddenly became a little uncertain.

"King Dongping, this old man has united with all the nobles and is about to submit a joint letter. Please take it back, Your Majesty. On top of this note, you are the king of Dongping!"

Liu Ji waved his hand slightly to make all the nobles shut up, then smiled lightly, took out a large blue cloth fold, opened it, and handed it to King Dongping, on which only densely packed names could be seen.

That meaning couldn't be more clear.

It is to let King Dongping and himself stand on the same line to deal with Liu Xie.


Reaching out to pick up the ink brush presented by the servant, King Dongping hesitated again and again, but threw the brush on the ground suddenly, turned his head and said:

"King Pengcheng, in terms of seniority, I have to call you uncle. From my judgment, the Holy Majesty has already eaten the weight and made up his mind to implement the royal commercial tax... Wait, wait, it's better not to fight against your majesty." .”

In the final analysis, Liu Xie is the emperor after all, if he fights against him, then Dong Cheng will end up!

People don't even care about their own father-in-law, how many of you will they care about?

But as soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of all the nobles present changed.

If it weren't for the person in front of him being King Dongping, I'm afraid he would have pointed at his nose and yelled at him long ago.

"King Dongping, your ancestor was a hero who led the army to quell the chaos with Gaozu back then. How come you have become like this in your life?"

Pengcheng King Liu Ji's face darkened, and he snatched the passbook in a flash, "Liu Meng, you don't want to be with us. In the future, when you Liu Meng and Zhou Guozhang are reduced to the people, don't blame the old man for not helping you!" plead!"

After finishing speaking, King Pengcheng waved his hands, turned around and shouted: "Anyone who wants to embarrass their ancestors like King Dongping can leave now!

"Otherwise, just come with me and have a banquet at my palace for three days! I want to see if that bastard Yang Feng dares to lead troops to surround my palace in Pengcheng three days later!"

"I'll wait, advance and retreat with King Pengcheng!"

All the nobles shouted one after another, and they were all encouraged by King Pengcheng's words, and they all acted like they were fighting against each other.

King Dongping's face was a bit ugly, he didn't agree with each other when he disagreed, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he gritted his teeth and left with a flick of his sleeves.

However, just after he left the Pengcheng Palace, the potbellied King Dongping thought about it, and suddenly thought of something, slapped his head, and said in shock:

"Not good! Come on, follow me to the palace to face the saint!"

At this moment, in the Golden Luan Hall, Liu Xie held a document, sighed and shook his head:

"Heh, these unscrupulous people actually call Dong Cheng Hua Taisui? It's really bold."

"Long Live Lord, do you want Yang Feng to seal a few teahouses and arrest a few daring storytellers, as a warning to others?"

Xiao Linzi stood on the sidelines, watching his words and expressions.

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