The Western Capital of Han Dynasty is located!

How much history is remembered in this city.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao was defeated, and Sun Ce of Jingzhou was left alone!

It's just that Sun Ce's good days are coming to an end.



Xiangyang in a hurry?

Sun Ce, who was besieging Chaisang, almost couldn't believe his eyes when he received the letter.

He ordered Generals Sun Yi and Cheng Pu to attack Wu County and threaten Jianye, an important town in Yangzhou, just to get Liu Ke or Zhang Yun to return to the army.

But he never expected that his hometown, Xiangyang, would be threatened first.

Ling Cao was defeated and killed, and Dong Xi and Ling Tong retreated to Wancheng.

Sun He summoned his sons and soldiers to support Wancheng, but was robbed and killed by Zhang Liao halfway, and the soldiers were defeated and died.

Immediately afterwards, Wancheng was also lost.

It took only half a month before and after, and the war situation in Jingzhou was so rotten.

"What the hell is Zhongmou doing?"

Sun Ce couldn't help but question his soul.

Before he left Xiangyang, he handed over the job of guarding to Sun Quan, and explained clearly.

Sun Quan also promised sternly that nothing would go wrong!

As a result, Zhang Liao took the entire Nanyang County, and after crossing the river, he could attack Xiangyang.

If Xiangyang is lost, Sun Ce's foundation will also be lost.

He couldn't help hesitating. Is it necessary to continue spending time with Chaisang and Zhang He?

"Gongjin, how should Gu deal with it?"

Zhou Yu smiled wryly, and was also shocked when he heard the news.

"King Liu Ke of Chu has many soldiers, and the famous general Zhang Liao is even more skilled in combat."

"You mean... to retreat to Xiangyang?" Sun Ce was very unwilling.

As soon as the move of surprise attacking Wu Jun was taken, it was almost a success.

"No." Zhou Yu shook his head, "Because of this, our army cannot return."

"Zhang Liao is not soft-boned, and he will not be able to take it for a while. It would be unwise to give up a good situation for this."

"What about Xiangyang?" Sun Ce hesitated.

"You can order the second son to shrink his troops and stick to it." Zhou Yu gave a suggestion after thinking about it.

"Zhongmou's ability is not obvious. If Xiangyang is captured, the consequences will be disastrous."

Sun Ce actually didn't want to go back, but he needed Zhou Yu to give him confidence.

If the belief is not firm, the rest of the battle will be very difficult.

"Yu has a plan, let's see if Zhang Yun is fooled or not," Zhou Yu said.

After listening carefully, Sun Ce clapped his hands continuously.

Not long after, there were rumors in Chaisang.

Zhang Liao had surrounded Xiangyang City, Sun Quan was in a hurry, and Sun Ce was about to return to the army.

"Zijing, what do you think?" Zhang He called out kindly.

After working together for so long, Zhang He and Lu Su became acquainted a lot.

"It's really hard to tell if it's true or not, if it's true or not." Lu Su shook his head.

How could such secret news of Sun Ce's return to the army be spread casually?

It looks fake.

"I'm afraid there is a trick in it."

Lu Su saw it through at a glance, it was just a specific plan, and he couldn't guess it.

"Don't panic, Zijing thinks about it slowly." Zhang He comforted, he was afraid that Lu Su's eagerness would make a wrong judgment, and that would be too bad.

Now Zhang Yun is also at a loss and needs Lu Su's advice.

Before Jingzhou soldiers attacked Wu Jun by surprise, Sun Ce was bluffing and carrying traps.

This time too.

"Your Majesty has a lot of respect for Zhou Gongjin. At this moment, it seems that Your Majesty is really wise and unparalleled. Zhou Gongjin is really difficult!"

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