Lu Su couldn't help having a headache.

The Yangzhou army has established great advantages in all directions, but Zhang Xi has not made a breakthrough in the face of Sun Ce all the way.

Lu Su is an honest man, but he also has a competitive heart!

"It's a good choice to stick to Chaisang, at least it can guarantee that we will be correct, but, General Zhang, are you willing?"

This question reached Zhang Xi's heart.

Under Liu Ke's command, he was not a top fighter, he was inferior to Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei in charge, and he was not as good as Zhang Liao, Zhao Yun and others in commanding troops.

After all, Gao Shun trained out of the trapped camp and became famous all over the world.

What does Zhang He have now?

The glory of the past is gone!

"If Zilong was here, how could he be afraid of Sun Bofu!"

Zhang He let out a long sigh, and said to Lu Su: "Zijing, tell me, even if it's a risk, I'm willing to give it a try!"

"it is good!"

Lu Su admired Zhang He's courage very much, and continued, "Sun Ce released false news, so I think he will pretend to return to Xiangyang."


Zhang Xi nodded, and all signs showed that this possibility was indeed possible.

"The return of the army to Xiangyang is an illusion, but in fact the troops are divided up and ambushed on the Chaisang-Wu County line." Lu Su firmly said.

This is the judgment he made after thinking about it!

After Sun Ce left, Chaisang's defenders would definitely not pursue him.

It is most likely to cut off the return route of Cheng Pu and Sun Yi in Wujun.

Therefore, as long as Sun Ce ambush here, there will be gains.

This is the conclusion drawn by Lu Su's empathy.

If Sun Ce retreats, the army commanded by Cheng Pu and Sun Yi will be alone. As soon as Zhang He sends troops, he will take it in minutes.

"What should our army do? Wait and see what happens?" Zhang He asked for advice.

"No, our army surprised Sun Ce's army who was pretending to retreat!" Lu Su said in a startling way.

Zhang He was really taken aback.

According to Lu Su's train of thought, soon after, Sun Ce's army divided his troops into two groups, pretending to retreat to Xiangyang all the way, and ambush all the way in Chaisang, the only way Wu County must pass.

Sun Cejun's ultimate move is in the second route, but the first route is not easy to mess with, right?

At most, it will be a surprise.

"Surprise attack is an adventure, but the king feels like a surprise attack. I am not as good as the king..." Zhang Yun couldn't help hesitating.

Liu Ke started out with surprise attacks, and with surprise attacks again and again, he accomplished the miracle of winning more with less.

But Zhang He didn't have the confidence!

Yangzhou's military strength is empty, and he is the only one who supports Wujun along the way, so there is nothing to lose.

If the important town of Chaisang is lost, Sun Ce will invade Yangzhou even more recklessly.

Unless, Zhang Liao returned to the army, or Liu Ke in Yanzhou returned to the army.

In this way, Liu Ke's deployment was disrupted.

Isn't Zhang He going to become a sinner?


Zhang He let out a low hum and fell into deep thought.

He is no longer a young general, but the commander-in-chief of the First Route Army.

Many things must be decided by him.

"Sun Ce is very strong, but also very conceited. Even if our army's surprise attack succeeds, he will fight back desperately, making us fall into a hard fight."

"How to defeat the enemy is the key."

Lu Su's suggestion has achieved the effect of a surprise attack.But not enough.

What Zhang He wants is a perfect plan!Or more than [-]% chance of winning.

"If Wenyuan and Zilong were here, how would they make a decision?"

Lu Su waited quietly at the side. As a military adviser, the main responsibility is to give suggestions, and the rest will be left to the coach to decide.

"Surprise attack on Sun Ce...surprise attack on Sun Ce." Zhang He muttered to himself, as if dazed.

"General Zhang!"

At the critical moment, Lu Su reminded him, saying: "In the eyes of the king, Sun Ce is nothing more than a clown."

Zhang He came to a sudden!

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