"The king has never lost a single defeat when he came to Kyushu. If I lose, it will only make it more difficult for him."

"How can a man be hesitant to make a big deal!"

Zhang He took the case and made a decision in an instant.

Isn't it a surprise attack on Sun Ce?

This job, he took over.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While Zhang He was in action, Liu Ke also ordered Tai Shici of Yanzhou to lead an army of [-] back to aid.

Yangzhou is Liu Ke's original base and the most important economic center!

If Jingzhou's soldiers and horses make trouble in Yangzhou for one day, Liu Ke's loss will increase by one point.

Even if he seized the states, without the financial support of Yangzhou, it would be difficult for Liu Ke to realize his ambitious hegemony!

His goal has never been the thirteen states in the world, but a wider world!

Therefore, even if Zhang He restrained Sun Ce, Liu Ke was still worried and asked Tai Shici to return to the army as soon as possible.

Tai Shici's ability is even higher than that of Zhang He, not lower than that of Zhao Yun, and similar to Sun Ce!

Only when he returns to Yangzhou can Liu Ke safely encroach on Cao Cao's territory.

It is easy to attack a city, but it is difficult to defend it, and it is even more difficult to develop it.

After Tai Shici received Liu Ke's order, he did not dare to neglect at all.

"Your Majesty is very talkative, but he loves us, and his military order is like a mountain. If we don't know how to flatter you, it will only chill your Majesty's heart."

At night, Tai Shici poured chicken soup to every soldier, and the morale of the soldiers suddenly improved.

The next day, all the officers and men marched triumphantly and marched all the way to Wujun, Yangzhou.

The march of the infantry was extremely hard, let alone the rapid march, but it was strange that no one complained.

Liu Ke's prestige is terrifying!

Tai Shici perfectly borrowed this point and proved his commanding power.

A person's strength is limited, and Liu Ke's is not necessarily so.

After taking down the counties, Sun Yi and the veteran Cheng Pu lead an army to attack Jianye!

Jianye is an important town south of the Yangtze River in Yangzhou!

Taking this place will shock everyone in the world, and Sun Yi and Cheng Pu will become Jingzhou's great hero!

Liu Ke went to war with Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Liu Bei at the same time, and Yangzhou's troops had already been drawn out.

Sun Yi picked up a bargain.

No way, good luck.

Sometimes, Sun Yi couldn't help thinking that he was the son of destiny.

Now it's finally about to explode!

At the beginning, the princes allied with millions of troops and wanted to attack Yangzhou, but they were repeatedly blocked outside Yangzhou.

Only the famous general Sun Yi successfully broke into the hinterland of Yangzhou!

This will go down in the history books.

Because Liu Ke has never been defeated since he started his army!

The hometown of Yangzhou is even more impregnable.

The other princes couldn't get close at all, even if they wanted to touch it.

Now Sun Yi has gone down to the counties, which is enough to prove his ability.

and luck.

As long as Jianye is won, Sun Yi's achievements will be fully implemented.

A sure thing!

Therefore, Sun Yi was extraordinarily active.

"Attack Jianye!"

Sun Yi dreamed of winning Jianye.

Cheng Pu had a faint feeling of something bad, and said, "Our army is too deep, I'm afraid it's hard to get out."

"Ha ha!"

Sun Yi couldn't help laughing, why did he get away?

"General Cheng, can't you trust my brother?"

Sun Ce led the army in the rear and confronted Zhang Yun.

With Sun Ce's ability and Zhou Yu's intelligence, Sun Yi's escape will be guaranteed.

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