This trick has already been used badly, and the defenders cannot be unprepared.

Seeing that Cheng Pu had nothing to do, Sun Yi frowned and said, "Why don't you drive out the people and attack the city?"

Cheng Pu's expression changed drastically!

"It's absolutely impossible. The King of Chu hates people who harm the people the most. If..."

"If what?" Sun Yi raised his head and looked at Cheng Pu.

"If he finds out about it, you will definitely end badly, and even implicate your family!"

"Hmph! The King of Chu is about to lose, and I will be afraid of him?" Sun Yi insisted.

In fact, I was already scared!

Sometimes, Liu Ke is a lunatic.

Millions of troops march north and south, who can guarantee that he will lose this time?

Once Cao Cao is defeated and Jingzhou is defeated, Sun Yi will still have to live in the future...

The news of Cao Cao's defeat was unknown to Sun Yi.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

dong dong!

dong dong!

Cheng Pu, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly heard a drumbeat and stood up in shock.

"what happened?"

Cheng Pu asked the scout kneeling outside the tent.

I saw the scout clasped his fists and said: "General Qi, the enemy is coming!"

Cheng Pu jumped up in shock.

"Speed ​​up and inform the armies!"

"Follow orders!!"

The scout turned and hurried away.

Later, Cheng Pu went to report the matter to Sun Yi.

And Sun Yi also noticed it.

Marching and fighting are most sensitive to the sound of these drums.

"The enemy is coming?"

After listening to the report, Sun Yi was confused and asked in surprise.

"Not bad!" Cheng Pu nodded and urged Sun Yi to get up.


Sun Yi gradually became sober, with a flustered look on his face: "Why at this time, where did the army come from?"

"The end will not know."

Sun Yi waved his hand, faltered twice, and didn't express anything.

After a while, he frowned and asked, "I remember that there are no other soldiers in Yangzhou..."


"Damn it!" Sun Yi hurriedly stood up, put on his armor, wiped his face with cold water on his hands, "Go, go meet the attacking enemy army for a while!"

"As ordered!"

Cheng Pu retreated with fists in his hands, and waited outside the tent.

It didn't take long for Sun Yi to come out, and hung his sword on his waist.


dong dong!

Another drumbeat came, directly dispelling Sun Yi's drowsiness.

"No matter who it is, I will make him look good!"

Sun Yi gritted his teeth.

"Let's go, let's see who dared to sneak attack on our military camp after eating the bear's heart and leopard's guts."

"As ordered!"

Cheng Pu clasped his fists and said, "My lord, be careful in all things, and never underestimate the enemy."

"What are you afraid of?" Sun Yi said casually, "Yangzhou Army can't attack Lao Tzu's camp!"

Cheng Pu wanted to say something more, when Sun Yi came over and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I will repel the enemy!"

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