"I wish the general the victory..."

dong dong!

The two rushed all the way to the front camp. During this period, the drums kept beating.

The fighting seems to be very intense.

Soldiers in the camp shuttled and provided support in an orderly manner.

Sun Yi is very satisfied.

With such a well-trained army, are you afraid that the Yangzhou army will fail in a sneak attack?

Simply overwhelmed!

When he came to the front camp, went up to the arrow tower, and looked into the distance, he was a little surprised.

Indeed, the Yangzhou army is attacking!

They are fully armored, their attacks are orderly and orderly, and they move very quickly.


The Yangzhou army shouted and attacked the gate of the village.

During this period, the crossbow arrows were endless and densely packed.

Sun Yi was taken aback by this momentum, and said in surprise:

"As expected of the Yangzhou Army!"

Cheng Pu's face turned serious when he heard this, and he said, "Don't underestimate the enemy."

"Am I underestimating the enemy?" Sun Yi asked rhetorically.

Cheng Pu nodded silently.

When Sun Yi got off the arrow tower, the soldiers recognized his general, and they all made way for Sun Yi and Cheng Pu.

Not long after, the two came to the north wall of the camp unimpeded.

Sun Yi turned his head to look outside the camp, and gasped again.

Outside the camp, tens of thousands of Yangzhou troops were forming formations.

"How many are they?"

Sun Yi had just arrived, and it was difficult to estimate, so he had to ask.

"About fifty thousand!"

Cheng Pu received the report and told Sun Yi directly.

"Haha, a mere [-] Yangzhou troops dare to attack our barracks, and they don't know how to live or die!" Sun Yi reluctantly felt relieved.

Fortunately, there are not many Yangzhou troops!

Cheng Pu heard the words and said loudly: "Our army has stepped up its guard and is not afraid of them!"

Countless crossbow arrows flew in and hit the shield, making a loud sound.

The shield bearer keeps his eyes on the sky all the time.

"Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of." Sun Yi waved his hand and said, "The whole army obeys the order and swears to defend the stronghold to the death!"

Hearing the voice of his own general, the morale of Jingzhou soldiers improved a little bit.

They were overwhelmed by the crossbow arrows!

As soon as the words fell, the sound of the battle drums charging outside the camp became more intense.

Seeing this, Sun Yi was stunned for a moment, and said, "This nima is really giving me face, if you say to strengthen the offensive, you will strengthen it!"

"Archers step forward, shields protect!" Cheng Pu shouted.

Following his order, the troops on duty retreated, and the crossbowmen were lined up neatly, with the shield soldiers responsible for protecting them beside them.

At this moment, Yangzhou's next round of attack begins!

Tai Shici frowned and took a deep breath.

"Beat the drum... attack!"

After a day's rest, Tai Shici didn't delay at all, and directly led his army to attack Sun Yi's camp, looking like he would never die.

A total of [-] former troops marched neatly towards the Jingzhou camp under the command of the lieutenant colonel.

Since it is an attack, there is no need to test the truth.

It's just that the Jingzhou general's reaction speed was beyond Tai Shici's expectation.

too fast!

It was Tai Shici's mistake not to take down the wall immediately!

Frowning, Tai Shici personally commanded: "Fire the arrow!"


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