The two armies began to shoot at each other.

In the camp, there were screams from time to time.

On the other hand, the Yangzhou Army suffered much smaller losses.

Even a crossbowman has simple armor to protect his vitals.

This is the equipment gap!

"Come again!" Tai Shici ordered.

Following his order, the soldiers fired the second wave of crossbow arrows one after another.

The Yuan Rong crossbow can shoot continuously to form fire suppression!

Tens of thousands of crossbow arrows rose in the wind and shot further away from the camp.

Cheng Pu panicked and roared loudly:

"Raise the shield! Everyone raise the shield!"

Thousands of shield soldiers, amidst Cheng Pu's roar, quickly raised their shields to block the crossbow arrows flying from the sky

Tuk Tuk!

Tuk Tuk!

The sound of shield blocking resounded across the battlefield.

The shield soldiers were horrified to find that the wooden shields in their hands could not completely block the crossbow arrows!

Even if the block is blocked, the shield will be overwhelmed and cracked.

Yangzhou crossbows are so terrifying!

Seeing this scene, Cheng Pu's complexion changed drastically. Without the protection of the shield, their formation would be messed up!

He shouted sharply: "Don't panic, stick to your post, and don't act rashly!"

Hearing this general order, the Jingzhou soldiers froze for a moment, but they still didn't dare to retreat.

Tai Shici gave the order expressionlessly: "Suppress the defenders!"

It was another wave of crossbow arrows washing the ground.

There were more screams this time!

Before the two sides met thoroughly, several rounds of confrontation had already begun, and the Jingzhou soldiers ended up at a disadvantage.

Of course, Sun Yi will not admit this, after all, everyone wins and loses.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help smiling.

"The Yangzhou Army is nothing more than that, and I don't know who is leading the army. It's so bad!"

After a moment of complacency... Sun Yi regretted it.

He stared at the sky in amazement, densely packed crossbow arrows lifted up from the formation of the Yangzhou Army and shot towards them roaring.

The suppressed Yangzhou Army has invested more crossbowmen!

"Be careful! Be careful!"

Thirty thousand crossbowmen, hundreds of thousands of crossbow arrows, like a torrential rain.

Frighteningly overshadowed the sun.

"Ah! Ah!"

The screams in the camp kept coming, and Sun Yi's heart was bleeding.


The Yangzhou army began to hit the gate of the camp.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Protect Young Master! Protect Young Master!"

Cheng Pu yelled.

The shield soldiers rushed over with sharp eyes and quick hands, protecting Sun Yi layer by layer with the iron shield in their hands.

Everyone else used wooden shields, but only Sun Yi was treated like this.

Hundreds of thousands of arrows, like a swarm of locusts, covered the sky.

Looking around, it looks like a dark cloud.

The sound of crossbow arrows breaking through the air is everywhere!

Sun Yi has seen big winds and waves, but never such a scene, it is so spectacular!

While being shocked, Sun Yi felt fear from the bottom of his heart, and couldn't help swallowing.

So is Cheng Pu!

His hands trembled uncontrollably.

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