There seemed to be a chill in the back.

After a moment of dead silence, the crossbow bolt hit the shield, and the shield continued to split.

Tuk Tuk-

Tuk Tuk-

"Ah! Ah!"

Sun Yi opened his mouth in fright, but couldn't say anything.

This crossbow is too much for ordinary people.

Under normal circumstances, when an archer shoots five or six arrows, his arms are already numb.

Crossbowmen are different!

As long as the reload is complete, the energy will continue to shoot.

Moreover, after the improvement of Yangzhou craftsmen, the crossbow arrows have matured and even surpassed.

In the past, crossbows were only used for short-range melee combat, but now they are completely different, almost replacing longbows!

A bow and arrow can shoot a hundred paces, and so can a crossbow.

For this battle, Tai Shici emptied the treasuries of the counties along the way when he returned to the army.

Take out a million crossbows!

Frightened, finally achieved the goal.

The Jingzhou soldiers, who were too busy to take care of themselves, had no time to stick to the gate of the camp, and were easily broken through by the rushing chariot.

With a loud noise, the Yangzhou army rushed into the Jingzhou camp with shouts.

The next step is to fight endlessly until one is defeated!

At the beginning, Tai Shici thought of many plans, but none of them were as cost-effective as attacking!

If the attack is successful, he will lose a lot of things.Even if it fails, the enemy can react and crush it head-on.

This is where Tai Shici's confidence lies!

Liu Ke desperately developed the economy and technology, and even created the Tie Niu City base, just for this kind of time.

Let the soldiers take it easy!

"The Yangzhou army has already entered the camp, they won't shoot arrows anymore, the whole army will attack!"

With an order, Cheng Pu pulled the soldiers back from the fear of the rain of arrows.

The dead camp finally had some vitality.

The shield soldiers stood up one after another.

It's a pity that there are still some shield soldiers who keep half kneeling and holding their shields high.

Not moving at all.

"Get up, the Yangzhou army is coming."

A Jingzhou archer pushed the unmoving shield soldier beside him, but blood spread out.


The archer's face was pale, and his eyes were reddened.

He is alive because someone protects him.

But the person who protected him had already died in battle.

This despair is spreading!

The corpses around them made them lose the confidence to resist.

"How can you fight this?" Archer gritted his teeth with a lot of sadness.

The same scene happened everywhere, which caused the defenders to react slowly and slowly.

On the contrary, the advance of the Yangzhou Army is even more unstoppable!

Advancing like a cripple.

"What's going on?" Sun Yi was stunned.

Why didn't the soldiers under his command resist?

What are they eating? !

"Counterattack! Counterattack! Don't stand still!"

A guard shouted eagerly, trying to remind the soldiers.

But as soon as the words fell, he was suddenly hit by two arrows in the chest.

"how is this possible?!"

His eyes widened, and he let out a few "cough coughs" from his throat.

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