"Captain! Captain!"

Jingzhou soldiers gathered around, terrified.

The lieutenant fell to the ground dead.


The Yangzhou army charged continuously, and from time to time there were back arrows.

Who made them so willful, almost everyone is equipped with crossbow bolts!

There is a crossbow in hand, but no arrows, how is this possible.

Therefore, a kind of arms has been bred in the Yangzhou Army, which specializes in sneak attacks on enemy generals.

While this practice is disgraceful, it is very effective.

The Jingzhou soldiers who had lost their front-line command became a mess and turned into a one-sided massacre!

Cheng Pu tried to save the defeat, and sent new troops to rush forward continuously.

The two sides fought for a while, and after a while, they were defeated again.

After repeated failures, the morale of the Jingzhou soldiers could no longer hold up, and they began to flee.

An army just pressed up and was directly defeated, no one could stand it.

Jingle Jingle!

The two armies continued to fight.

But Sun Yi has already seen his future!

"Is this the world-famous Yangzhou Army?"

Sun Yi was shocked, even if he had the upper hand, he couldn't take advantage of it.

On the contrary, Yangzhou's army is so strong that it doesn't care how many enemies there are and whether they can win.

Because these things are what the generals need to consider, they just need to move forward bravely!

Where to point and hit, this is discipline.

While observing discipline, they also carried out wild killings!

This is a battered army!

"Beat the drums to cheer, break through the enemy camp!" Tai Shici shouted.

dong dong!

dong dong!

In an instant, the drums were loud.

The Jingzhou soldiers, who didn't have much morale, have now fallen to the bottom.


"Don't escape! Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!" Sun Yi stood up and issued a bloody order.

If he doesn't do this, he will only usher in failure.

When necessary, be ruthless to your own people!

Sun Yi beheaded a few fleeing people, and his morale really improved.

However, can this method of killing and deterring be more efficient than the Yangzhou Army?

They are like harvesting leeks.

"Block it! Let me stop it!" Sun Yi yelled, unable to stop the defeat.

Cheng Pu sighed and said, "Let's retreat!"

"No, regroup and fight again!" Sun Yi gritted his teeth.

run away?

He doesn't do things that lose face!

Sun Yi persisted for another half an hour, and finally it was like a flood breaking a bank, unable to stop it anymore.

Cheng Pu escorted him all the way, fighting a bloody path.

"Old General Cheng, we can still fight again, why run away?" Sun Yi said so, but his body was very honest.

He will never look back!

However, he was not willing to fail like this.Great timing, great situation!

If he wins Jianye, Sun Yi will be the number one general in the world!

Didn't King Liu of Chu claim to be undefeated?

My hometown has been taken over.

It's a pity that all of this has come to naught.

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