Therefore, he chose to wait and see.

"If it's a peaceful time, it's nothing. Sun Ce has time to wait."

"It's just that it's wartime now, and Jingzhou is in danger."

"Sun Ce also relied on his bravery and led his army to conquer Chaisang."

"Give the power to the grown-up younger brother, Sun Quan!"

"Throughout the ages, brothers have staggered each other in order to fight for power and profit. I don't know how many times..."

Jia Xu talked eloquently and clarified Liu Ke's thoughts.

Simply put, they want to provoke a power struggle between Sun Quan and Sun Ce.

This thing is very difficult to succeed.

Sun Ce and Sun Quan have a deep friendship, and it is difficult for ordinary people to intervene in a dialogue between them.

Not to mention sowing dissension.

But if Liu Ke intervenes, the meaning will be different.

Why did Sun Yi live well after being captured?

It is because of Sun Shangxiang's backing!

And Sun Shangxiang is one of Liu Ke's daughter-in-laws.

With this kind of relationship, Tai Shici didn't dare to hurt Sun Yi.

This is also the reason why Sun Yi suddenly showed mercy and did not dare to expel the people to attack the city.

Does he care about the feelings of the people?


What he cares about is Liu Ke's opinion!

Even if Liu Ke seizes the world, Sun Yi can still become a relative of the emperor, and be named an idle marquis, at least he will have no worries about food and clothing.

Simply put, Liu is the son-in-law of the Sun family.In this capacity, I made a promise to the Sun brothers.

Servings are huge!

Isn't Sun Ce very radical?

Then replace him and let Sun Quan take over.

Before Jia Xu finished speaking, Liu Ke guessed their plan.

Even if it is not successful, it can still make people in Jingzhou float.

"This matter is left to you two."

"As ordered!"

Jia Xu and Guo Jia looked at each other, then retreated, and then went straight to Nanyang County to meet Zhang Liao.

Some things need to be present in person to make a better judgment.

At the same time, Sun Yi was also escorted to Nanyang.

"What are you doing?"

Sun Yi was flustered, he was Liu Ke's brother-in-law, but it was only a superficial relationship.

He and Liu are not familiar!

Liu Ke became the king of Chu, and his prestige gradually became stronger.I don't know how many people have been killed during the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, will it give me face?

Sun Yi was not sure either.

"Don't worry, you won't die without the king's order." Tai Shici said coldly.

Sun Yi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he doesn't die, everything is possible.

It would be too unfair to die!

Sun Yi was sent to Nanyang in a daze, bumpy all the way.

Guo Jia came out to greet him in person, which made Sun Yi even more confused.

The one in front of him is the top strategist under Liu Ke, king of Chu. Why is he here?

"Hey, isn't this the son of the Sun family? How dare they treat you like this?!"

Guo Jia glared at the escort, and personally untied Sun Yi.

Sun Yi stretched his muscles and bones, and now he was even more confused and vigilant.

There must be something wrong with being courteous for nothing.

He is not smart, but not stupid.

"If you have anything to do with Guo Jijiu, you might as well just say it."

"Haha, what can I do? Of course I'm drinking. It's not interesting for me to drink alone. I wonder if Mr. Sun is interested in having a drink with me?"

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