Is this to be explained at the wine table?

Sun Yi clasped his fists and said, "I'm so happy."

No matter what Guo Jia said, as a prisoner, Sun Yi had no reason not to listen.

If it's too complicated, it's fine to say no.

Sun Yi has a lot of clothes and food, but he has always been a person with backbone.

What a hero his father Sun Jian is, and so is his elder brother.

Sun Yi thought it was not bad.

The Sun family does not produce cowards!

Guo Jia welcomed Sun Yi into the big tent with a smile. Jia Xu sat upright, and when he saw the guests coming, he immediately stood up to greet them.

"A distinguished guest—"

Another top strategist!

Sun Yi felt that he was not a distinguished guest, but like a little sheep.

He secretly made up his mind: No matter what they propose, they must not agree!

This is his last dignity.

Otherwise, you may fall into a trap.

Sun Yi was very clear-headed, so he laughed and said:

"Your guests are not counted, as long as the two of you don't take me as a prisoner, it will be my honor!"

"Haha!" Jia Xu laughed loudly, "Who in the world dares to take the king's relatives as prisoners?"

This sentence is very comfortable to hear!

Sun Yihu pretended to be a tiger, but he was more vigilant now.

As soon as you enter the door, you start to build relationships!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Intuition tells Sun Yi that this is definitely not a good thing.

"Come on, let's just drink today and don't talk about business." Guo Jia said with a smile, poured himself a glass, and poured it for Sun Yiman.

Very casual and informal.

Sun Yi looked at the wine in the glass, he didn't drink it, it seemed like he would lose face if he didn't drink it?

After all, the two in front of me are Liu Ke's capable generals. When they get angry, Yangzhou will be in turmoil.

"Okay, let's drink and not talk about business." Sun Yi emphasized the last sentence.

Guo Jia heard it, but didn't take it seriously.

Is it up to you then?

Guo Jia wasn't worried at all, and let the little ancestor make a confession first.

The three of them chatted, ate and drank enough, and there were laughter from time to time.

"Haha! It's my honor to meet you two, come on, let's continue to toast!" Sun Yi laughed loudly.

The laughter was very hearty, without any affectation, let alone the appearance of a prisoner.

Sun Yi even admired himself.

How powerful his communication skills are, people with strong minds like Jia Xu and Guo Jia are fooled by him.

It's such a cool feeling!

Suddenly, Cheng Pu's roar came from outside the tent: "Sun Yi!!! You are a descendant of the Sun family in Jingzhou, and you have taken refuge in the king of Chu, are you worthy of the king?"

Sun Yi felt a chill in his heart!

As soon as he was about to argue, Cheng Pu was severely beaten and dragged down, his voice getting farther and farther away.

Sun Yi was stunned, what the hell is going on? !

He was brilliant, and quickly cleared his mind.

It must be the work of Jia Xu and Guo Jia!

They deceived Cheng Pu into thinking that Sun Yi had defected to Yangzhou...

Inadvertently, Sun Yi was put together.

"Are you kidding me?"

Jia Xu couldn't help clapping her hands and said, "It's just Cheng Pu's stupidity."


The veins on Sun Yi's forehead popped out.

I didn't expect Cheng Pu to be the flaw!

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