"Come here, escort Sun Gongzi to the south bank of the Yangtze River."

So simple?

Don't even need to explain anything else? !

Sun Yi couldn't believe it.

Damn, you won't secretly sink me, right?

"Remember to persuade Sun Quan well." Jia Xu patted Sun Yi on the shoulder and said.

For Jia Xu, Sun Yi is nothing more than sincerity!

The sincerity of dialogue with Sun Quan.

It would be great if Sun Yi could help.Stand by and have nothing to lose.

On the contrary, it was Jia Xu's generosity that made Sun Yi suspicious.

What is the conspiracy?

Sure enough, Zhang Liao sent a small boat to take Sun Yi across the river.

This made Sun Yi think about it.

The fisherman who punted was leisurely, chatting with his companions.

"Wei Wang Cao Cao won't last long."

"Isn't that right? King Liu Ke of Chu attacked in multiple ways and defeated Cao Cao's main force. He was about to capture Cao Cao. King Yi of Chu released him."

"It doesn't matter if you let it go or not. The three prefectures of Yanzhou, Sizhou, and Bingzhou have already fallen into the hands of the King of Chu. How can Cao Cao resist with Liangzhou?"

"Liangzhou, a place of bitter cold, with a small population, King Wei is going to die!"


Sun Yi was at the side, startled.

What the hell, Cao Cao is finished!

Jingzhou's most important allies are Cao Cao and Liu Bei.

Now that Cao Cao can't hold on anymore, what will the king of Chu do with his million-strong army that has nowhere to rest?

Attack Liangzhou, or attack Jingzhou?

I'm afraid it will be easier to attack Jingzhou, because Liangzhou is a remote place... Cao Cao is unable to fight any more.

Sun Ce jumps the most...

After summing up the reasons, Sun Yi became more and more frustrated.

No wonder Jia Xu and Guo Jia will go south in advance to prepare for this!

The two of them are the absolute confidantes of King Chu.

Maybe it was a hint from King Liu Ke of Chu to give the Jingzhou Sun family a chance.

As a result, Sun Yi rejected this only chance?

Zhang Liao and others rushed to send Sun Yi back to Jingzhou without explaining clearly, just to sabotage the persuasion.

They need military merit!

The more Sun Yi thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he felt that he was infinitely close to the truth.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Yi returned to Xiangyang in a daze.

Sun Quan was shocked when he found out.

"what happened?"

The way Sun Yi came back was too strange. Didn't he follow his elder brother Sun Ce and surround Chaisang?

Now that he came back from Nanyang County, what happened in it?

Sun Quan ran out of the city to meet Sun Yi without stopping.

"Third brother, why are you back?"


After speaking, Sun Yi burst into tears.

As the elder brother, Sun Quan comforted him a lot, and it took him a long time to know the cause and effect of the incident.

Sun Yi was defeated and captured!

This is definitely bad news.

"Does brother know about this?"

"Our army went deep into Yangzhou..."

Sun Quan's expression was uncertain, and he decided to send someone to inform Sun Ce.

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