This is the top priority!

Before he had time to inform his subordinates, Gu Yong came in a hurry.

Tell Sun Quan a bad news!

Rumors abounded in Xiangyang City.

Sun Yi's heart skipped a beat, why is this scene so familiar?

As soon as he came back, the rumors followed.

There was no arrangement by Jia Xu or Guo Jia, even if Sun Yi was killed.

"Third brother, what's wrong with you? You look so pale?" Sun Quan asked with concern.

"It's nothing." Sun Yi dodged his eyes.

Sun Quan felt strange, but said nothing.

Gu Yong was already impatient, and said: "Second Young Master, it's like this, suddenly there are rumors in the city that the king's army has been defeated."


Sun Quan's head buzzed, and he almost couldn't stand up.

Sun Ce's status in Jingzhou is like that of Liu Ke in Yangzhou. He is the god of war and invincible!

His defeat will definitely cause panic.

But Sun Quan never received the news!


By the way, it must be a rumor!

Only this is possible.

"Immediately block the news and find the spies, absolutely not to be tolerated!"

Sun Quan was so murderous, did he really think he was easy to bully?

"As ordered!"

Gu Yong took the order and left.

Seeing Sun Yi's uneasy expression, Sun Quan said with concern:

"Third brother, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, just worry about brother."

"I see."

Sun Quan was puzzled, but he didn't continue to ask. He just said calmly, "You and I are brothers. If you need anything, you can come to me."

"Second brother, don't think too much, what can I do?" Sun Yi patted his chest and said.

Sun Quan gave up asking the truth. His brother had grown up and could lead an army by himself, so he couldn't be treated like a child.

"I'm in Nanyang, and I heard some news." Sun Yi said uncertainly, "Wei Wang Cao Cao was defeated and is fleeing to Liangzhou."

Sun Quan was startled and almost fell down.

"The matter is of great importance. Before I have confirmed it, please remember not to spread it to the outside world."

"Second brother, don't worry, I won't be so unwise."


Sun Quan's expression was serious, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

If Cao Cao, king of Wei, can't hold on anymore, where will Jingzhou go?

The next day, when Gu Yong's investigation had just begun to take shape, another rumor arose again.

In the beginning, Sun Ce was defeated, but now Cao Cao is defeated!

The stories in it are depicted with twists and turns and bizarre, but the credibility is very high.

Because Liu Ke, king of Chu, is such an invincible myth.

Sun Quan stayed in Yangzhou for a while, and even took part in the imperial examination to understand the power of Yangzhou.

This is also the basis for their alliance with Yangzhou later.

It's just that time has passed, and they have embarked on the road of confrontation again.

First, Sun Ce, the king of Xiangyang, was defeated, and another news came that Cao Cao, the king of Wei, was also defeated.

One fake and one real, directly fooling Xiangyang soldiers and civilians dizzy.

I don't know whether to believe it or not.

What to do if it is fake, and what to do if it is true.

Sun Quan became the most troublesome person among them!

On the third day, the rumors intensified.

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