Jingzhou has only one way out!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao retreated to Liangzhou, leaving only one state.

Under the attack of rumors from Guo Jia and Jia Xu, Xiangyang is in danger.

Sun Ce is no longer able to fight!

The Sun and Cao families are in decline.

Liu Bei, who was left with a bewildered face, was still fighting bloody cochin.

Jiaozhi is far away from the Central Plains, and intelligence is slow.

Even if Liu Ke built the Chidao, it would take more than a month to convey the news from Yangzhou to Longbian in Jiaozhi County.

If there is no deliberate notice, it will take at least half a year!

Such a big time difference.

As a result, the battle of Longbian was in full swing.

Wu Yi and Huo Jun commanded [-] people and stuck to Longbian.

Chen Gong, the governor of Jiaozhou, ordered Gan Ning and Ding Feng to lead an army of [-] to attack the city.

regain lost ground.

The two sides have launched a bloody battle, each winning and losing.

dong dong-

dong dong-

The drums of war vibrated loudly, and the shouts went straight to the heavens.

Fifty thousand elites gathered in one place and frantically attacked the north gate of Longbian.

"Soldiers come forward!" Ding Feng ordered.

The shield soldiers are in front, the well is slowly advancing, and the crossbowmen are always ready.

Cloud Echelon followed suit.

The dragon siege battle suddenly started at this moment!

Huo Jun stood on the tower with a serious face, silent.

He lost the satellite city compiled by Long.

I feel guilty.

Therefore, the Longbian must be guarded meticulously.

Huo Jun even made plans to sacrifice his life!

The city is there, and the people are there.

City lost, people perish!

Wait until the siege troops approach, about a hundred and fifty paces away.

Huo Jun raised the command flag and gave orders.

"Shoot the arrows! Don't let them come near!"



With the help of the location, the bow and crossbow fly very far, very far.

The rain of arrows all over the sky is like sprinkling ink.

The sky sank.

The rain of arrows fell, and screams came out.

Lives are dying on the battlefield.

"Cover! Cover with a shield!"

"All move forward to protect Jinglan."

"Jing Lan suppresses the defender's crossbowmen!"

Ding Feng rode his horse forward, issued orders continuously, and recovered the loss.

Dragon braided North City Gate.

highest point.

Beside the city tower, Wu Yi closely watched the battle situation.

As for defense, he is not as good as Huo Jun, so he can only entrust the battle to him.

From the start of the war to the present, Huo Jun's command has been perfect, impeccable.

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