

Several crossbow arrows shot from the well.

But there are too few crossbowmen on the well, and the height of the city wall is too high.

Just did it back and forth.

Not exactly suppressed.

This is also proud of the powerful military industry of the Yangzhou Army, which has produced a Liannu with an extremely long range.

Ding Feng looked at the sky full of crossbow arrows and laughed.

"I heard that Yizhou's soldiers and horses are good at bow and archery, and their arrow skills are superb. From today's perspective, it is nothing more than that."

The long-range strike of the Longbian defenders is remarkable.

It's a pity that it lacks powerful weapons like the Yangzhou Army.

Ding Fengde's words are not without reason.

The tense atmosphere among the soldiers gradually eased.

"Life and death are slaughtered on the battlefield, and the situation is ever-changing, so be careful."

Gan Ning reminded him and sang with Ding Feng.

Then carefully observe the battle situation, waiting for Ding Feng to attack the city.

Some methods have not yet been used.



The arrows rained against each other.

Wave after wave, losses on both sides.

The crossbows of the siege troops were even more powerful, passing through the gaps in the defenders' armor.

Kill the defenders!


The sound of the arrow being hit is endless.


The screams came one after another.

Wooden shields can't defend at all.

There is another flaw in the armor.

The threat of the Yuan Rong crossbow has reached the extreme.

On the other hand, the siege troops are well-equipped and the shield walls are more rigorous.

Like a turtle shell.

tuk tuk -

tuk tuk -

The sound of blocking continued, like rain hitting a pipa.

"Continue to advance, target, under the city!"

Ding Feng's eyes were bloodshot, and he kept roaring.

There have been casualties on both sides, and peace is just a deception.

"Zhong Miao, the enemy's crossbow arrows are too strong, don't fight against each other." Wu Yi reminded.

Huo Jun stared at Wu Yi, and said angrily:

"The Yangzhou army beat drums to attack the city. If we let them go all out, our army will be defeated."

"For the current plan, the only way to interrupt the enemy's momentum is to use a bow and crossbow."

Huo Jun is a refined and firm person.

In order to save his subordinates, he accepted Ding Feng's threat.

It is imperative!

In order to keep Long Bian, Huo Jun is willing to give everything for it!

"Raise the shield, hold on, we will defend the city, and we will not fail!"

Huo Jun was very heartbroken looking at his men who were shot to death.

They were exchanged by Huo Jun, and they should have survived.

But for the benefit of Yizhou, he can only do it and sacrifice it.

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