
On the battlefield, pay attention to the right time, place and people.

The defenders naturally occupy a favorable position.

But after the earth mountain is built... will the geographical advantage still exist?

The city wall made by dragons is not high enough, only three or four feet.

Once the siege troops are on the top of the mountain, shooting with bows and crossbows will pose a great threat to the defenders.

Thinking of this, Huo Jun couldn't help but gasp.

My whole body was trembling.

Huo Jun already felt that if the earth mountain was allowed to be built.

For Longbian City, it is a great threat.

Even directly determine the outcome!

In order to ensure the solidity of the earth mountain, Gan Ning even used gravel and cement, of course, only a small amount, because the logistics supply was not enough.

The most important material is special mud!

This is to build a fort and a watchtower on top of Longbian's head!

Don't give the defenders any face.

If there is no place, create it.

The earth and mountains are the geographical advantages.

Gan Ning can completely use the earth mountain to look down on him.

Bring the function of Yangzhou siege equipment to the extreme.

By the way, give the enemy psychological pressure.

Just imagine, two hundred steps down the city wall.

The earth mountain rises from the ground, higher than the city wall.

How terrible!

The pressure on the defenders will increase greatly.

Some powerful warriors can urinate on the heads of the defenders when they urinate against the wind on the dirt hill.

One zhang.

Another foot.

The earth hills are getting higher and higher, and the defenders are getting more and more depressed.

I can't take it anymore!

"Old general, the earth mountain is too threatening, we can't sit still and wait for death."

Huo Jun looked at the crowd busy building earth hills below the city, his face was full of worry.

Wu Yi nodded at first, then shook his head again.

It's easy to say, but how to do it?

The only way to destroy the earth mountain is to go out of the city and fight.

However, there are less than [-] defenders in the city, only a little over [-].

He was no match for Gan Ning at all!

Even Gan Ning couldn't wish for it.

The defenders went out of the city to fight, and they caught Gan Ning in his arms.

If the defenders want to fight head-to-head, they will only be unlucky.

Wu Yi is helpless!

"Is there no other way?" Huo Jun looked sad.

He said that he would swear to the death to protect Longbian.

For this, he can give his life.

Now I have only persisted for a few days, do I have to give up?

Gan Ning pays attention to efficiency in doing things.

Even if he grinds slowly, he can still capture the city.

But he didn't want to waste time, so he directly used his superiority in strength to build earth mountains.

This is a big project!

But in the eyes of the Yangzhou Army, they are familiar with the road.

In the past, roads were built, or large buildings were built.

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