They will also participate.

It's called exercising.

The Yangzhou Army does not train rigidly every day, they have a lot of trivial things to do.

Therefore, it is not difficult to build an earth mountain. It is not too simple for everyone to contribute.

Time goes by gradually.

Huo Jun was panicked and kept looking for Wu Yi to discuss.

It's a pity that Wu Yi has no other way but to defend passively.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The situation of the defenders is now critical.

Attack cannot attack, defense cannot defend.

What should I do?

The rising earth mountain is like a thorn.

Huo Jun couldn't think of a way to deal with it, so he hurriedly asked his subordinates for advice.

"Everyone, how to break through?"

All the captains under his command showed bitter faces.

Veteran Wu Yi also kept sighing.

too difficult!

"Gan Ning can't be on guard for twelve hours, you can try night attack!"

Someone made a more reliable suggestion.

"I'm afraid Gan Ning also has such thoughts." Huo Jun sighed, "In three days, they will definitely guard against death."

"Then attack at night after three days!"

Huo Jun rolled his eyes at the lieutenant, and said indifferently: "There is a mountain of earth, can Long Bian hold on for three days?"


Everyone was silent.

Some things are easier said than done.

Suddenly, Huo Jun had an idea and thought of a way.

"Hurry up, transport all the wood in the city to the city wall, and then call in skilled craftsmen, it will have a magical effect."

The captain under his command left in a hurry.

"Zhong Miao, does your method really work?" Wu Yi couldn't help asking.

"No problem." Huo Jun smiled triumphantly.

An hour later, all the manpower and material resources Huo Jun needed were in place.

"Can you build a city bridge on the city wall?"

The craftsman wondered, "What kind of city bridge?"

"It is extended, about a hundred steps away, and archers can shoot on it."

Huo Jun gestured.

The craftsman understood.

"Wonderful!" Wu Yi couldn't help clapping his hands.

The earth mountain is about two hundred steps away, very close.

For the Yizhou bow and crossbow, it is far away.

Just "lengthen" the city wall.Extend the city wall.

Wouldn't all the problems be solved?

Both sides are preparing nervously!

Of course, the Yangzhou scouts also saw the strange scene of Long Bian defenders, and hurriedly reported to Gan Ning.

As soon as Gan Ning thought about it, he understood that this was probably the guard's countermeasure.

It's just that they didn't understand for a while what exactly they were going to do.

Add wooden planks to resist crossbow arrows?

That's really disgusting enough.

But how thick can the planks be?

At close range, the ballista can even blast through city walls.

A mere wooden wall is nothing.

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