As the wall panel stretched out, Gan Ning finally understood.

This is definitely not a shield!

The defenders are going to attack the mountain!

"Talent!" Gan Ning couldn't help praising the defender's fantastic ideas.

However, they underestimated Gan Ning too much.

Do you really think that Gan Ning will just watch the city wall lengthen?

"The siege troops get ready and push out the well!"

Use Jinglan to escort!

The population of Longbian is limited, and there is one less craftsman, so there is no way to replenish it in the city.



The defenders used the extended city bridge to rain arrows on the earth mountain.

The Yangzhou Army built on the earth hill complained endlessly.

"The general has an order, let me wait to retreat!"

The soldiers who were shot by the arrow wailed and fell down one after another.

They retreated in an orderly manner without giving the defenders much chance.

Standing on the city wall, Wu Yi laughed loudly as he watched the Yangzhou army fleeing in a "panic".

"Our army finally pulled back a round."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Yi saw dozens of wells advancing slowly in the distance.

The smile stopped.

"Quick, retreat to the city bridge!"

The two sides fought a bloody battle, evenly matched.

The earth mountain started to be built again.

Now, the defenders simply didn't have the time and courage to put out the city bridge.

Jing Lan is watching!

"Damn it!" Wu Yi said angrily, "I can't destroy the earth mountain, but what about the well?"


However, is it really worth paying such a high price for this?

Huo Jun weighed it, took a long breath, and let it out slowly.

Calm down the emotions in my heart.

In the end, he led his army out of the city.


Huo Jun's goal is very clear, Wu Yi is in charge of delaying, and he is in charge of destroying the well.


With a flurry of punches, Huo Jun destroyed three well rails.

How could Gan Ning give up such a good opportunity?

Lead the army to hide and kill.

In this battle, more than [-] defenders were killed!

Wu Yi and Huo Jun had to retreat back into the city.

Gan Ning almost took advantage of the situation to take the city.

The defenders suffered heavy losses.

Jing Lan is just a dead thing, and the defenders are really fighting with their lives.

Three or five more times, without Gan Ning attacking the city, the defenders were completely wiped out.

Huo Jun showed bitterness.

It's really hard.

In order to sabotage again, Huo Jun and Wu Yi chose to attack at night.


Countless people flocked to the mountain.

Huo Jun rushed up and struck out with a sword.


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