This is a car hitting the city gate.

Huo Jun's fantasy of going out of the city and destroying the Jinglan was shattered!

"Can't hold it any longer?"

He let out a sigh.

In fact it is.

Another hour later, Ding Feng finally led his army into the city.

The defenders began to retreat methodically and began street fighting.

Gan Ning led the main force to break into the city and start killing.

At dusk, the defenders completely withdrew from the Longbian.

Huo Jun did not wait for Liu Bei's reinforcements.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cochin prefect, judge Rong.

His name may be unfamiliar, but as a child of the Shen family, he still thrives in Jiaozhi.

Who made his uncle the judge?

After the examination and assignment joined Liu Ke, he has always been treated preferentially by high-ranking officials.

When Yuan Shao was alive, Liu Ke conquered Jizhou.The trial match sticks to a city, and does not surrender to life or death.

It's just that Shen Rong opened the city gate to welcome Liu Ke under the persuasion of the Zhen family in Hebei.

Leading to the defeat of the trial trial!

However, Shen Rong was meritorious and saved the Shen family.

It's just that his ability is not very good, so he can only serve as the prefect.

Moreover, after Shen Pei was defeated and forced to surrender, Liu Ke "assigned" Shen Pei to intercourse.

To prevent the two uncles from looking down on each other.

It can be regarded as a thousand dollars to buy a horse bone.

As a result, Shen Rong became the prefect of Jiaozhi. Although his official position was not high, he was able to walk sideways in Jiaozhou.

With the judge and the guardian of the Zhen family, Chen Gong, the governor of Jiaozhou, also had to be courteous.

Compared with other people in Yangzhou, Shen Rong's status is not very high.

But as a coward, he still visited Gan Ning.

For such a person, Gan Ning naturally disdains to associate with him.

Selling out his uncle for profit... What kind of good man could he be?

This time the Yizhou army invaded Jiaozhi, and Shen Rong did not play any role.

It's a pity that Shen Rong didn't think much of it.

After Long Bian recovered, he was full of vigor and high self-esteem.

Don't even pay attention to others.

Shen Rong is guarding one side, so he has more real power.

Now that Long Bian has recovered, of course he has to stand up and preside over political affairs.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Gan Ning only cared about battles and sieges, not civil affairs.

He didn't bother to worry about these things.

It's good for someone to stand up.

It's just that Shen Rong is extremely jealous of Gan Ning, and he also wants to gain military exploits.

Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity.

Shen Rong has always wanted to take the position, but he has not found a way.

He had secretly searched for someone, hoping to replace Chen Gong.

It's just that Chen Gong has always won Liu Ke's trust, so this matter is left alone.

But now, Shen Rong is still facing a problem.

That is the disadvantage of guarding the territory.

Therefore, he hoped to get Gan Ning's help to tide over the difficulties.

"Why are you here?"

When Gan Ning saw Shen Rong, he immediately said with a cold face: "Didn't I already refuse to attend your banquet?"

The identities of the two are different, and the things they consider are also different.

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