Now Cochin County has not been fully recovered, and there are still certain potential threats.

How could Gan Ning relax his vigilance?

Shen Rong's banquet at this time, in Gan Ning's view, is making trouble.

If you don't just send him away, you are giving Chen Gong face.

After all, Shen Rong is an official under Chen Gong's rule.

In other words, Gan Ning didn't pay attention to judging Rong at all.

Soldiers are arrogant.

"Hehe, General Gan!"

Shen Rong smiled, a gleam of displeasure flashed in his eyes, and said:

"You have worked hard to recover Longbian. As the prefect of Jiaozhi, how could I not show it?"

"Reward the three armies if you have the ability, I will accept your kindness." Gan Ning said coldly.

Only Gan Ning and Ding Feng are invited, it is worth not going to such a banquet.

Gan Ning would think highly of him if he could come up with materials and reward the three armies.

It's a pity that the trial is also poor.

It is estimated that Cochin Treasury can run away mice now.

"General Gan, you can't say that..."

"Let's leave the words of the general here. Do you have any objections?"

Shen Rong came to Gan Ning to resolve some hidden dangers amicably.

He even prepared some favors.

But Gan Ning was so puzzled.

Shen Rong was also annoyed, did he really think he was a cat or a dog?

So easy to bully?

Shen Rong is jealous of Gan Ning's military achievements and wants to share some of them.

But Gan Ning did not wait to see Rong Rong.

The contradiction suddenly escalated.

Shen Rong felt that he should show some muscle, otherwise he would be bullied to the end.

He really wanted to deal with Gan Ning, but he didn't dare.

Gan Ning was like a madman.

Shen Rong had heard his story.

It took him several years to become Cochin Tai.If you lose your current status because you made a mistake or offended someone, the loss outweighs the gain.

"If you can't do it, get out, I don't have time to chat with you." Gan Ning said to Shen Rong unceremoniously.

"Hehe, General Gan is still so proud."

Shen Rong yin and yang said strangely: "Don't you take this prefect seriously?"

"Hehe, you dare to talk nonsense, kid?" Gan Ning said coldly, "A villain like you who betrays my uncle would have been dismissed."

Shen Rong suddenly felt heartbroken!

This is the imprint of his heart forever.

If it wasn't for this incident, with his talent, he might already be the governor of a state.

But with such a taint, the status of Shen Rong cannot be too high.

On weekdays, it's fine for him to blame himself a little.

Other people's plan for next year is a mockery of him!

It has always been a dishonorable thing to betray Liu Ke in order to surrender to Liu Ke.

Gan Ning's words hit Shen Rong's sore foot.

His face turned red, his mind turned, and he immediately countered:

"Haha, back then the king appreciated my actions very much. Could it be that General Gan, are you dissatisfied with the king?"

The guards on the side were taken aback, how vicious these words were!

Once the king finds out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Gan Ning's complexion also changed slightly, is this going to tear his skin off?

What is he afraid of.

"Even in front of the king, this general dares to say that."

"I am willing to be Xingba, and I don't bother to associate with people who betray my uncle!"

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