
Shen Rong slapped the desk, his hand hurt.

He has reached the brink of explosion.

However, being born in a family and having been an official for many years, he chose to forbear and not explode.

"I came to entertain you with good intentions and good intentions. Is this how the general treats you?"

This is to push the blame on Gan Ning.

Appraisal needs to be upright to break out.

Gan Ning didn't care about this, and refused: "Didn't the general say that I won't go! If I don't go, I will offend you, and you will lose face too much."

Gan Ning is a veteran beside Liu Ke!

A mere eunuch wants to control him, but he underestimates him too much.

Shen Rong was so angry that his teeth were itching, he had no choice but to take out the draft he had prepared, and said:

"General, do you still remember the earthen mountain at the north gate? Now it poses a huge threat to Longbian."

Gan Ning glanced at Shen Rong and said, "Why, do you want to join the book?"

"Don't dare."

Shen Rong shook his head, he was a little impulsive, but not stupid.

In front of Liu Ke, can he be compared with Gan Ning?

Obviously not!

The memorial for the honor trial is nothing but self-inflicted humiliation.

A thought here.

Shen Rong felt aggrieved.

However, he was not unable to check and balance Gan Ning.

"I'm afraid this will make the people of Longbian feel uncomfortable."

Gan Ning's eyes turned cold, if Shen Rong said he was wrong, he would be a fart, just let it go.

But with the common people, the meaning is different.

"Are you trying to take advantage of the fact that the king loves the people? I'm afraid you are thinking too simply."

"You can give it a try and see if you have the ability to play the king as a fool."

What audacity!

Shen Rong saw it, Gan Ning dared to say such a thing.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"General Gan, are you really going to tear your face apart?"

Shen Rong is so irritable that he wants to kill, but in front of Gan Ning, he is just a younger brother.

The younger brother has no right to speak.

As soon as Gan Ning turned his head, he saw Shen Rong staring at him.

He sneered, "It's up to you?"

Gan Ning smiled slightly, and sat down generously.

This is the military camp!

Gan Ning was in control of everything.

It is wishful thinking for Shen Rong to share his credit.

So if he can't even keep the achievements of his subordinates, what face does Gan Ning have to continue leading the army.

This is his bottom line.

It can only be said that Shen Rong found the wrong person.

"Hehe, I don't care about you."

Shen Rong suddenly became magnanimous, looking like a celebrity.

Gan Ning was even more wary of Shen Rong.

An official who can endure must have a conspiracy.

Yes, Shen Rong will not have good intentions.

Gan Ning did not have the patience of a scribe. This is called cowardice, and Gan Ning felt ashamed.

He asked with interest: "Tell me! What do you want to do?"

Is this a compromise?

Shen Rong was not polite, and poured himself a glass of wine.

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