Liu Bei laughed, waved his hands and said, "You don't have to be like this, old general, I don't blame you!"

Wu Yi was astonished.

Why is the king so happy?

Liu Bei came down from the king's couch, held Wu Yi's hands, and said:

"It's Gu's blessing that the old general can return safely."

woo woo

Hearing these words, Wu Yi couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into tears.

Where can I find such a good lord?

Ma Di sighed secretly:

High!really high!It's so easy for the king to buy people's hearts!

When Wu Yi's mood stabilized, he sorted out the causes and consequences of the defeat in detail.

Everyone was shocked!

After Liu Bei listened, he let out a long sigh, no wonder Wu Yi and Huo Jun would lose.

Gan Ning is really a rare genius!

Liu Bei couldn't help being jealous of Liu Kelai.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Ma Di snorted coldly, but did not speak.

Although he didn't say it out loud, his expression had already betrayed him.

Ma Su thinks that Wu Yi is just pretending to be pitiful and cute.

In an attempt to deceive Liu Bei's sympathy and avoid punishment.

The king wants to buy people's hearts.

It's too embarrassing for you Wu Yi to pretend like this!

Ma Di was very disdainful and expressed it in one word.

Wu Yi also had a violent temper, and when he heard this strange cold snort, he immediately felt dissatisfied.

It's just that Liu Bei is right in front of him, so it's not easy for Wu Yi to get angry.

Unexpectedly, Ma Su went so far as to make an inch, and said:

"The old general must be tired after running around for days. Your Majesty might as well let him go down and have a good rest."

Very normal words.

But with that cold snort.

The taste is different.

Isn't this mocking Wu Yi for running away all the way, and also for running very diligently?

Wu Yi was annoyed.

How can a junior get ahead here?

"Zhuzi! Do you look down on this general?"

Why is Wu Yi so thick-skinned...

Why travel day and night?

Not just to come back and plead guilty.

Wu Yi wants to prove to the whole Yizhou that Wu Yi will never shirk his responsibility, even if Liu Bei wants to dismiss him.

He was also willing.

Or redeem the merits and go to battle to kill the enemy.

In short, Wu Yi is definitely a responsible person.

What Wu Yi hates the most is that others look down on him, thinking that he just has a beautiful younger sister who married Liu Bei.

Is it his fault that Liu Bei forgave him?

Wu Yi didn't expect this either.

His touch is true, absolutely true.

Ma Su's tone.

How arrogant!

It made Wu Yi feel that he was relying on the old to sell the old.

In fact, not so.

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