After being scolded, Ma Su was stunned.

He never expected that Wu Yi would be so irritable.

He doesn't seem to have said anything wrong, right?

How about a good rest?

Offended you?

Ma Di remained silent, just looking at Wu Yi.

Waiting for him to make a fool of himself!

Wu Yi was originally a defeated general, yet he dared to be so arrogant when he came back.

Is "Zhuzi" a random word?

Ma Di hopes that Liu Bei will be the master for him!

Seeing Ma Su's silence, Wu Yi was filled with anger.

It really is a vertical!

She looked down upon him blatantly.

Even the conversation feels like an insult...


After Wu Yi's defeat, he was already in a bad mood.

Also put on this kid Ma Di!

Such an air.

Make people angry!

"You make it clear to the general, the general will come back to plead guilty, what's wrong?"

"Old man..."

Ma Di exploded directly, and he endured again and again, but in exchange for such a result.

He can't stand it.

Ma Di was young and energetic, how could he stand Wu Yi's cynicism?

Immediately he was furious.

"Old man, you are defeated and don't take a good rest."

Ma Di asked coldly: "Is it possible that you still want to continue to lead the army and give away the head?"

Send a head?


You can say that.

"Shuzi, you..."

Wu Yi exploded with anger. He was defeated, but he did not lose his momentum.

A person like Ma Di who stays in the rear, what right does he have to run on him?

Wu Yi blew his beard and stared on the spot.

"Zhuzi, do you dare to lead the army in battle?"

Wu Yi was so angry that he couldn't breathe well.

"Why don't you dare?!"

Ma Su didn't continue to argue with Wu Yi, it was meaningless.

He clasped his fists to Liu Bei and shouted for a fight: "Your Majesty, please give me a soldier to station outside the city. If Gan Ning dares to attack the city, I will make him look good!"

Liu Bei felt a headache when he saw the two quarreling.

If these two people meet every day, wouldn't it be troublesome?

Therefore, Liu Bei also intentionally let Ma Di go out to camp.

It forms a corner with the north belt.

"Think again, Your Majesty!"

Wu Yi was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said hastily, "Ma Di, I have never led an army and has no experience. Once Gan Ning pulls out the camp, it will deal a serious blow to the morale of the defenders."


Even direct personal attacks? !

Ma Di said firmly: "A certain man is familiar with military books, how can the old man compare with him?"

Worthy of being a scholar!

Again hinting at Wu Yi's defeat.

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