"Little brat, don't think that you can understand everything after reading two books. Is it so easy to lead an army in battle?"

Wu Yi was furious, and spit on Ma Su a few times.

This little brat is so annoying!

Ma Di touched his face and shouted angrily:

"Your Majesty, I am willing to issue a military order. If you lose your camp, please come and see me! Unlike someone..."

Unlike who?

Pointing at Sang and scolding Huai? !

Wu Yi's chest heaved with anger.

He lost, but he has the courage to take responsibility!

Not what Ma Di thought.

"Old general calm down!"

Liu Bei waved his hand, indicating that both of them should not speak.

Ma Di and Wu Yi glanced at each other, neither daring to be presumptuous.

Liu Bei felt refreshed immediately.

No matter how cowhide the civil and military men met him, they were still submissive.

"The old general has been working so hard, he really needs to rest for a few days."

Hearing this sentence, Ma Su felt refreshed.

Wu Yi lowered his head.

"But don't mention the matter of camping, it's not necessary."

Ma Di suddenly showed a disappointed look, he is both civil and military.

The ability to lead troops is no worse than Wu Yi.

Just didn't get a chance to show it.

What a pity.

Wu Yi calmed down a little.

Everyone admires Liu Bei's balance.

As a superior, there are many aspects to consider.

Of course, he can't be as grumpy as Wu Yi, nor can he be cynical and sarcastic like Ma Di.

Liu Bei needs to cultivate his mind and nature.

"Your Majesty, the general will rest for a few days, and he can immediately go to battle to kill the enemy."

Wu Yi wished he could fight immediately and slap Ma Su in the face, but now he could only bear it.

"Don't worry."

Liu Bei said to Wu Yi: "The morale of the Jiaozhou army is high now, and it is not good for us to rush into battle. The old general's thoughts are lonely."

Hearing Liu Bei's relief, Wu Yi glanced at Ma Su and stopped embarrassing him.

"My lord, the general is always ready."


Liu Bei nodded and said: "Now is the time to employ people, you must be united."

Ma Di frowned quietly, but he wisely did not refute.

But he covered his nose.

Wu Yi ran away in embarrassment, and went on a starry night without taking a shower, so he met Liu Bei directly.

Body is full of sour smell.

At the beginning, everyone's attention was not here.

Ma Di covered his nose, like a signal.

Liu Bei can't take it anymore!

He was shaking hands with Wu Yi before... Thinking of this...

Liu Bei felt like vomiting.

"Old general, you'd better go down and rest first, Beidai is alone, you don't have to worry."

Ma Su had long wanted to drive Wu Yi away, but he didn't have a good excuse.

I didn't expect this trick to be so useful.

Wu Yi was annoyed, glared at Ma Su, and was about to speak.

Was one step ahead of Liu Bei.

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