"Go down!"

In the tone, there is no doubt.

Still want to make noise?

no way!

"As ordered!"

Wu Yi had no choice but to withdraw unwillingly. Before leaving, of course, he didn't give Ma Di a good look.

Ma Di rolled his eyes, as if provocative.

"All right!"

Liu Bei scolded, and Ma Di quickly looked away.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Bei continued to discuss to see how to deal with this crisis.

Before he had time to catch his breath, Wu Yi hurried over a quarter of an hour later.

I washed my hair and changed my clothes.

Liu Bei couldn't help complaining.

Although you are my brother-in-law, you can't disrespect me like this, can you?

Is it so difficult to clean yourself up?

When the ancients met the king, they had to bathe and change clothes.

"Old general, why are you in a hurry?" Liu Bei pretended not to care, and asked lightly.

With a cold face, Ma Su glanced at Wu Yi.

He looked very upset.

No matter what the old guy has to say later, you must completely oppose him!

"Your Majesty."

Wu Yi sorted out his thoughts, and respectfully said to Liu Bei: "At the end of the day, I will ask for something."

"What's the matter?" Liu Bei asked lightly.

"About General Huo..."

"Old man... the general wants the king to pardon him?" Ma Di used his little brain and guessed it right away.

"Forgive Huo Jun?" Liu Bei asked.


Wu Yi ignored Ma Su and pleaded, "As your majesty said, now is the time to employ people."

"Ha ha."

Ma Di sneered, and said, "If you lose the Long Bian, how can you be correct?"

Refers to Sang and curses Huai?

Wu Yi was furious, but for the sake of the overall situation and to plead for mercy, he held back.

He and Huo Jun are grasshoppers on the same rope.

Moreover, Wu Yi was also in Longbian at the time, and he knew that the defeat had nothing to do with Huo Jun's strategy.

Gan Ning is really too powerful.

I thought Gan Ning was just a general with superb martial arts skills, but I didn't expect that he would be able to do it all in one set.

Wu Yi suffered a loss.

So is Huo Jun.

Who would have thought that Gan Ning would build an earthen mountain outside the city?

The earth mountain that deceives people too much.

Even if famous generals such as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are present, there is nothing they can do.

There are not enough troops!

Consume it, and the defenders are gone.

"Well, the lonely pardon Huo Jun, the old general has a good rest." Liu Bei said indifferently.

Pardoning Wu Yi is a pardon, and it doesn't matter if there is one more Huo Jun.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After Wu Yi finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Ma Di was not reconciled, and said: "Your Majesty, Huo Jun dare not go back to Beidai because he is afraid of being punished by you and asked Wu Yi to come to explore the way. Such behavior is not what a hero does!"

Although Liu Bei was dissatisfied with Huo Jun, he had already spoken.

No need to hold on!

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