"That being said, your success rate is too low. Once you are ambushed by Gan Ning, who will be responsible for the loss of troops?" Ma Di said bluntly.

Liu Bei was also shocked, he didn't want to take the blame!

Gan Ning will definitely be cautious and will not give them a chance.

not much hope.

What Ma Su said makes sense.

Wei Yan was so complained that he didn't know what to say.

He was stunned for a moment, and could only stare at Ma Su with wide eyes.

Ma Di stared back.

It's just a mud leg, what is he afraid of?

Moreover, Wei Yan did not make any contribution when he came here.

Ma Di disdains such people very much, thinking that Wei Yan is just a person who is trying to gain fame.

But Liu Bei just likes it.

Ma Di had no choice.

"It's impossible to cut off the food, and it's impossible to raid the camp, what do you think?" Wei Yan stared at Ma Su.

If Ma Di doesn't have an explanation, he will ridicule to his heart's content.

"There will always be a way." Ma Di said with confidence.


Wei Yan couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What do you mean?" Ma Di became furious, feeling that he was underestimated.

"You deny the general's method, but you can't think of it yourself. Isn't it a joke?" Wei Yan said loudly.

All heard.

Ma Di's face turned red, wishing he could rush over to give Wei Yan a slap.

But he couldn't beat it.

"You can't think of a way, and you don't let others come up with ideas. Could it be that you are a spy of Chu King Liu Ke?" Wei Yanzhu thought to himself.


Ma Di was furious for a moment, and immediately knelt down and said to Liu Bei:

"Your Majesty, you must be the master of my minister! I am loyal to you, and the world can learn from it!"

"Okay! Alright!" Liu Bei waved his hands with a headache.

"Youchang's loyalty is naturally known to Gu."

Ma Di immediately changed his face and looked at Wei Yan proudly.

Wei Yan took a sip of the wine.

"Why sneak attack?"

Zhang Fei suddenly buzzed: "With me and my second brother here, are you afraid that Gan Ning will not be able to do it alone?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiaozhou is far away from the Central Plains, and the news is blocked.

Liu Ke used huge manpower and material resources to dig mountains and cut rocks, travel through dense forests, and fight against poisonous insects and miasma.

An important road has been built!

This is the main road connecting Yangzhou and Jiaozhou.

In times of prosperity, merchants come and go.

It's just that now due to the war, the economy is depressed everywhere.

Big businessmen are afraid of losing their money and have reduced their business scale.

The business path also calmed down.

Coupled with Sun Yi's surprise attack on Yangzhou, it caused even more panic, and merchants dared not leave the city.

Yangzhou's economy has been affected to a certain extent.

Fortunately, Tai Shici flew back to help, defeated Sun Yi and Cheng Pu, and completely solved the problem.

He also assisted Zhang He in defeating Sun Ce's main force outside Chaisang.

In one fell swoop laid a winning chance!

There has been no war in Yangzhou since then.

The people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to recover their own losses and go one step further than others, the businessmen set off again.

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