Transport supplies to Jiaozhou!

This road has been revived again.


Compared with before, the traffic is reduced by two-thirds.

But the recovery is not bad.

Yangzhou merchants are active, and they also brought an important piece of information!

Liu Ke shocked the thirteen states!

With a blow of thunder, he broke Cao Cao's main force and entered Chang'an.

Not only that, Liu Keyi also explained Cao Cao!

This proves that Liu Ke has never put the coalition forces in his eyes.

Actually it is.

Not long after Cao Cao's defeat, Sun Ce followed in Cao Cao's footsteps.

The situation in the Central Plains is changing rapidly.

But one thing is certain.

Liu Ke, king of Chu, is about to win.

Chen Gong's information would not be so lagging behind.

As early as seven days ago, he received the message.

The intelligence ship set off from the harbor of Yangzhou, braved the wind and waves, and brought the news to Jiaozhou.

Chen Gong just informed Gan Ning, that's all.

The two discussed and decided on a piece of literature and a military.

Chen Gong believes that Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Wei Yan are all famous generals in the world and should not be underestimated.

Might as well use this to break Liu Bei's psychological defense and force him to retreat.

For this reason, the two had a big fight.

"I'm no worse than anyone else, I'll leave the battle to my subordinates."

This is Gan Ning's point of view, and he has always insisted on it.

Chen Gong disagreed, and said with a horizontal eyebrow: "You are no worse than anyone else, what if three people join forces?"

Gan Ning lost all confidence in an instant.

"Marching is not fighting alone."

"Subduing others without fighting is the best strategy. If that doesn't work, it's not too late for you to take action." Chen Gong took a step back.

So is Gan Ning.

This is also the reason why Gan Ning has been standing still.

But waited and waited, for three days in a row, there was no movement from Chen Gong.

Gan Ning couldn't help being surprised, and asked, "Why hasn't the governor acted yet?"

"Ha ha."

Chen Gong smiled, and said: "If I release rumors now, Liu Bei will definitely not believe it."

Gan Ning thought about it, and it was true.

This battle is about the world situation!

Liu Bei will not give up easily.

"When will it wait?"

"Liu Bei also has his own information channel, it won't take a few days." Chen Gong said confidently.

Since there are facts as weapons.

Why bother to release "rumors", it's unnecessary.


Even Chen Gong did not expect that Liu Bei's information came so slowly.

The first time he got the news, it turned out to be from a Yangzhou businessman.

Capture Jiaozhou.

Liu Bei is serious.

For this reason, he sent many spies to monitor all parts of Jiaozhou.

After Yangzhou businessmen flooded into Jiaozhou, Liu Bei's spies were not stupid, and immediately gathered the collected information to Liu Bei.

"Haha! Gu thought that Chen Gong didn't move, what kind of ability did he have! I didn't expect it to be such a superficial method."

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