At a banquet, Liu Bei burst out laughing.

Yangzhou businessmen don't come early or late.

After a few days of silence in the Jiaozhou defenders, they suddenly appeared.

Isn't this bullying Liu Bei's IQ?

"My lord! It is not appropriate to make a direct judgment on this matter." Fazheng said to the point.

Although the news is very exaggerated, but with Chu Wang Liu Ke's astonishing record.

This is by no means difficult to do.

If true?

The Central Plains simply collapsed!

Fazheng is unimaginable.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Liu Bei couldn't believe it.

Chu Wang Liu is a human being, not a god.

How can there be such a coincidence?


Ma Di snorted coldly, and said, "You can tell it's a rumor at a glance."

This time, he sided with Liu Bei.

It is to fight against the Fa.

Only in this way can we have a bright future.

"You Chang thinks so too?" Liu Bei asked back.

"Not bad!"

Ma Di said affirmatively: "Although Cao Cao is unreliable, he can hold on for a while, right?"

"What's even more ridiculous is Sun Ce's defeat. How could he lose to the generals under King Chu?"

"Sun Ce is called the 'little overlord' by the king of Chu, and his martial arts and bravery are not much worse than the overlord Xiang Yu."

"Such a character would lose to Zhang Yun and Tai Shici. Who would believe it?"

Liu Bei stroked his beard and was very satisfied with Ma Di's analysis.

"Xiaozhi is worrying about nothing!"

When Liu Bei said this, Fazheng was also embarrassed, and when he bowed, he showed a shy smile.

Ma Su is even more proud, and finally gave himself a face!

Fazheng made such a mistake!

"Your Majesty, my subordinates believe that the reason why Chen Gong released the rumors must be to pave the way for the next move." Ma Di continued.

Liu Bei thinks so!

Chen Gong will not do meaningless things.

"Youchang, tell me, what will Chen Gong do?"

Ma Su tidied up his attire, took a step forward, and said loudly:

"His first step is to disturb the morale of our army, and his second step is probably to order Gan Ning to surprise the northern belt."

A surprise attack on the North Belt?

Liu Bei was suddenly terrified.

Now Beidai City is his only stronghold in Jiaozhou.

If he falls, he can only withdraw from Jiaozhou in despair.

Liu Bei couldn't accept it.

He quickly asked: "How to deal with it?"

Ma Su was shaken and said: "Your Majesty, send [-] troops to set up camp outside the city. If Gan Ning dares to attack, I will definitely teach him a hard lesson!"


Liu Bei readily agreed, and asked Zhang Fei to help out.

Ma Su declined.

"General Zhang is brave, but his personality is reckless. I'm afraid he won't be able to stand Gan Ning's provocation."

Just kidding, if Zhang Fei is stationed in the camp together.

Who will be the big brother then?

Liu Bei gave up.

Ma Di excitedly led [-] horses, chose a hillside, condescending, and set up camp.

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