Liu can see that the other party is so well-behaved, so he is naturally very satisfied.

He waved his horsewhip and said, "Everyone, please forgive me, Eunuch Ye, you are an angel holding festivals. According to the etiquette, the lonely king should salute you."

Liu Ke said so with his mouth, but his body was very honest, and he still sat on the horse without moving.

After hearing that, Xiao Linzi naturally didn't dare to take advantage of it to make trouble.

Among the people who have been in the palace all year round, there is no one who has an exquisite heart with seven apertures.

So Xiaolinzi understands very well that the other party is completely different from others.

Although I hold this Jing Jie in my hand, in the eyes of the other party, I am afraid that it is not as good as a fire stick.

Therefore, after Xiao Linzi got up, he immediately stepped forward, took the reins of Liu Ke's mount, and actively led the way ahead.

"King of Chu, you are a villain. The small one is just a mere yellow door, how dare you let the king of Chu make it up.

Besides, King Chu, you sweep the world, clean up the wasteland, help the society and the country, save the souls, and rebuild the world.

Not to mention the small ones, the whole world might not be worthy of your respect. "


It has to be said that the people who come out of this palace can speak.

In a few words, Liu Ke was very happy.

Not only him, but even the civil servants and generals beside Liu Ke are very proud.

Because everyone understands that what the other party said is true, as Liu Ke's subordinate, if he can share a small amount of merit, it is enough to leave his name in history and honor his ancestors.

At the same time, Xiao Yezi was also secretly observing Liu Ke and his army.

Because when he was in the palace, he had heard that the army of the king of Chu must conquer and win every battle.

Seeing the majestic Yangzhou army at this moment, I think it is true.

He sighed secretly in his heart, no wonder the king of Chu can achieve such great achievements, this army is already formidable in the world.

And when he saw Liu Ke, he couldn't help but feel his heart move.

At this moment, Liu Ke is wearing a purple gold crown, gold leaf dragon scale armor, a maroon cloak, and embroidered dragon walking cloud shoes.

Coupled with his face like a crown jade and his skin like creamy fat, he looks graceful and luxurious, and even reveals a majesty that is not angry and majestic.

This demeanor alone has already deeply impressed Xiao Yezi.

He said courteously: "His Royal Highness, it's getting late today, and I have already arranged a place for you in the city.

Please feel wronged and take a rest for one night.Tomorrow, the emperor will personally go out of the city for thirty miles to welcome Wang Jia into the capital. "

"Oh? I didn't expect His Majesty the Emperor to value the lonely king so much. The lonely king is really flattered."

After listening to the other party's words, Liu Ke frowned first, then spoke slowly.

It's just that no matter whether it's his expression or tone, he doesn't show flattered at all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke's performance, if it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be inevitable to read a book in front of Sheng Jia.

But to him, no one was surprised.

Some of Liu Ke's subordinates even felt that the king of Chu was able to do this, but he gave the other side face.

When Liu Ke came to the city, it was already a clear water splashing street, with loess padded roads, and people gathered on both sides of the road.

In fact, these people also wanted to see if His Royal Highness Chu Wang, who was rumored to be like a god of war, really had three heads and six arms.

When Cao Cao ruled this place before, in order to discredit Liu Ke, he often poured dirty water on him.

He even shaped Liu Ke into a ten-foot-high, one-foot-in-the-waist, blue-faced, fang-toothed, murderous demon king without batting an eyelid.

But seeing it now, it's not the same thing at all.

The huge contrast made the people even more curious about King Chu.

"Wow! So handsome!" A girl who sneaked out from the boudoir to watch Liu Ke couldn't help shouting immediately after seeing Liu Ke.

From then on, I'm afraid Liu Ke's image will occupy her heart forever.

Whether it's Liu Ke's appearance or demeanor, everyone is fascinated by it.

It made everyone feel good about him.

"Long live the King of Chu!" No one was in the lead, and cheers suddenly erupted from the crowd.

"Long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu..."

The shouts came one after another, and Liu Ke naturally had a happy face when he heard it, which greatly benefited him.

It's just that the title of Long Live can only be enjoyed by the emperor, but it is a bit presumptuous to use it on the King of Chu at this moment.

But for this matter, no one is different.

Even Xiao Yezi, the envoy of Xiandi, was very calm.

Even at the moment when he was leading the horse, he felt the cheers of the crowd, and a sense of pride rose in his heart.

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