"If I were under the king of Chu, what an honor it would be!"

Such a thought unexpectedly came to Xiao Yezi's heart, because he had never enjoyed this kind of feeling after traveling around with Emperor Xian for several years.

Liu Ke rode on the horse and greeted the people around him frequently, acting calmly, like an emperor on a tour.

In fact, the enthusiastic support of the people here is also inseparable from the credit of Lu Meng.

After Lu Meng subdued Jing Zhaoyin, he began to spread the benevolence and righteousness of the king of Chu everywhere.

In his depiction, Yangzhou, where every meal is full and meat is occasionally eaten, has become a fairyland on earth.

Therefore, the people all enthusiastically hope that the King of Chu will come one day sooner.

In their simple cognition, it seems that when the king of Chu comes, they can have enough food.

You know, Jing Zhaoyin looks like the emperor's feet, but it is also one of the places that suffered the most serious military disasters.

First it was Dong Zhuo, and then to Cao Cao. Even though it was later under the rule of Cao Cao, it was stable for a while.

But it can only guarantee that the people here will not starve to death.

For such a luxury as being full, I dare not even think about it.

And the first thing Lu Meng did when he came here was to open a warehouse to release grain and organize the people to resume production.

If some people are short of food at home, they can even go to the county government to borrow food. Of course, they have to pay corresponding labor to meet it.

However, for the people who are busy all year round but still have no food, working is a matter of course for them.

Now it is possible to rely on hard work in exchange for the rations on which to survive. Doesn't this further illustrate the benevolence and righteousness of the King of Chu?

Therefore, on the streets, the loudest shouts of "Long Live the King of Chu" are not those rich merchants, but ordinary people.

Liu Ke naturally saw this, and couldn't help but nodded in his heart.

It seems that the rewards that the lonely king gave to Feng Xiao and Zi Ming were really right.

In just a few months, people's hearts are enough for me to use.

The place where Liu Ke rested was the home of the largest gentry in the county.

The mansion of this gentry is huge, far surpassing the county government, so when he learned that the King of Chu was going to stay in Baling for a day, he immediately volunteered to donate his house.

He arranged for his family to move to the manor outside the city, but he stayed here to serve.

Liu Ke didn't pay much attention to these arrangements.

Although he wanted to stay here for a day, his heart had already reached Chang'an City.

Chang'an, Xijing of the great Han Dynasty, is the ruling center of the world, how can I wait at this moment?

That night, Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu, Lu Su and other counselors came to Liu Ke's room on their own initiative.

"It's Kong Ming, Wen He, and Zi Jing, haven't you rested yet?"

"Your Majesty, I hope that Your Majesty will not blame me for disturbing you late at night when I have something to say." The three said in unison.

When Liu Ke heard it, he became interested instead.

"The three of you came to visit late at night, I'm afraid it's because of tomorrow's entry to Beijing!" Liu Ke took the initiative to speak, breaking their minds as soon as he came up.

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan and said, "Your Majesty is really perceptive. Before we even open our mouths, His Majesty has already seen through."

"Mr. Kong Ming, don't praise the lonely king. This is the only thing you are here at the moment. Alright, let's get down to business!"

Liu is not a person with ink marks, especially in front of his advisers, he prefers to go straight to the point.

When the three saw this, you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally pushed it to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang said directly: "Your Majesty, is this trip to Beijing for abdication?"

"Hehe, didn't Kong Ming ask this question knowingly? Everyone has known about this for a long time, and you were the ones who arranged for the release before."

"Your Majesty, since that's the case, then it's the right time for me to wait.

Although receiving Zen this time is the heart of all people, we must also consider the method in order to block the mouths of all the people in the world. "

"Of course, even if the king directly replaces him, it is only natural. It's just that there are risks in the scene of accepting Zen.

In the past, Wang Mang accepted Zen, but it caused great chaos in the world, and his body died and the country was destroyed.It is because he bullied the orphans and widows of the Han Dynasty that he could not obey the people of the world.

At this moment, although the king is ten thousand times stronger than him, he should still make a good gesture, so as not to be used by those who want to make a big fuss. "

Liu Ke listened to the words of the three counselors, but at first he didn't care.

He was even a little displeased to hear that Lu Su even cited Wang Mang's example.

I wondered when I became the same person as Wang Mang.

However, Liu Ke, who is familiar with history, also knows the saying "Duke Zhou is afraid of rumors, but Wang Mang is humble and not usurped".

So he figured it out in his mind.

At this moment, I can certainly rely on my strength to hand over the throne from Emperor Xian in a stable manner.

However, there are still Jingzhou, Yizhou, and Liangzhou in the world today, and Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Liu Bei are always eyeing each other, preparing to make a comeback.

Especially in some newly conquered places, the people's hearts are not stable, and it is really uncertain that the other party will use some low-level tactics to attack their own legitimacy.

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