Therefore, Liu Ke took the initiative to ask: "If it is as the three lovers said, what should the lonely king do?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu and Lu Su talked late into the night in Liu Ke's room.

They took into account everything they would encounter after entering Beijing, and formed the safest way.

Especially in the matter of abdication, it is necessary to accept three words in order to completely block the mouths of the world.

And proper arrangements should be made for Emperor Xian.

So as not to be used by unruly people to make a big fuss.

There was nothing more to say that night, Liu Ke could finally take a good rest and get ready for going to the city tomorrow.

On the second day, Liu Ke got up early, groomed and sent his troops to Beijing.

However, this time he did not bring all the troops with him, so as not to be mistaken for oppressing others with power.

The army is stationed in the outskirts of Baling County, and Liu Ke only needs to bring the civil servants and generals around him and the [-] camps when he enters Beijing this time.

These sergeants who were fortunate enough to be taken by Liu Ke were the elite of the elite of the Yangzhou Army.

All of them are more than seven feet tall, and with sufficient nutrition, they look tall and burly.

In addition, these people were all rolled out of the sea of ​​swords and flames, and the murderous aura on their bodies was even more frightening.

After marching for more than ten miles, the army saw bright yellow canopies, chariots and horses in the distance, and a mighty group of people was there.

Xiao Yezi, who was riding behind Liu Ke, quickly explained: "His Royal Highness, the emperor's welcome team is ahead."

"En!" Liu Ke nodded, noncommittal.

The army quickly approached those people, and Emperor Xian, who had seen the Yangzhou army's rushing momentum, got out of the chariot early and went to the side of the road to greet them in person.

Liu Ke's gaze was like a torch, so he could see at a glance that the person wearing the uniform and the crown was undoubtedly Xiandi.

At this moment, he actually took the initiative to wait on the side of the road to greet him, which is already a great respect.

During this period of time, Liu Xie had already figured it out.

He naturally also knew that the day Liu Ke entered the capital was the day when he stepped down from the throne.

Although I have repeatedly wanted to delay the arrival of this time before.

But when it really came to this time, he was already very calm.

During this period of time, Liu Xie took advantage of the power he had just obtained to kill a large number of disobedient people in the capital.

It's not that Liu Xie wants to bear this notoriety, it's just that he knows that only by being so obedient can he get a glimmer of life from Liu Ke.

As a young man who has lingered under Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao for decades, he has long learned to be a little bit low.

Naturally, he had to use the last bit of energy to express his attitude to Liu Ke.

This time he went out of the city for thirty miles to meet him, and he also proposed to Xun You on his own initiative.

Xun You was naturally very willing to accept such a request. After all, if Emperor Xian didn't mention it, he would have done the same.

Seeing the other party's cooperation now, it seems that he has lost his tongue.

Therefore, before dawn this morning, Emperor Xian had already left the palace, rushing here with a guard of honor.

At this moment, after waiting for an hour, I finally saw Liu Ke's figure.

But Emperor Xian was still patient, and there was no trace of impatience on his face.

At this time, Liu Ke finally walked in front of him, and Liu Xie immediately led everyone to bow down and salute.

"Welcome King Chu!"

This time Liu Ke couldn't just sit on the horse and accept it calmly like he did to Xiao Yezi yesterday.

Anyway, he is only the king of Chu now, and the other party is still the emperor of Han Dynasty.

Although I dismissed it in my heart, I still had to show the attitude that should be on the bright side.

Therefore, Liu Ke immediately got off his horse and rushed to the Emperor Xian in two steps.

Clasping fists with both hands, kneeling down while pretending, Bian Shan shouted long live.

When Emperor Xian saw this, he didn't dare to accept Liu Ke's kneeling, he had already recognized the identities of both parties.

Therefore, Emperor Xian hurriedly stretched out his hand, supported Liu Ke, and said in his mouth: "The king of Chu is free of courtesy, your merits are in the country, and I am specially allowed to praise and worship you, but you will not be famous when you enter the court.

Liu Ke was not prepared to kneel, but just wanted to make a gesture.

Seeing Emperor Xian's cooperation at this moment, he naturally stood up, and at the same time thanked him again and again, which was regarded as thanking the other party for his kindness.

Emperor Xian saw that Liu Ke was so perfunctory, but he didn't care at all.

He even took the initiative to take Liu Ke's hand and said: "The king of Chu expelled Cao's bandits, expelled Sun Ce, defeated Liu Bei, and brought the world back to peace.

I admire such a feat so much, please ride with me on the same chariot. "

After speaking, he pulled Liu Ke to walk towards the dragon's chariot.

Dian Wei, who was always guarding Liu Ke, straightened up immediately when he saw this, and looked at Emperor Xian.

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