He was worried that if Liu Ke got too close to Emperor Xian, and if the other party harbored ill intentions, it would be bad.

But Liu Ke was not worried about this.

Just kidding, no matter how I say it, I went to war immediately and experienced the baptism of war.

If you can't even deal with the skinny chicken-like Xiandi in front of you, you might as well find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Therefore, Liu Ke immediately waved his hand and said: "It's okay to be evil. Your Majesty invited Gu to ride with him on the dragon chariot, which is a kindness to Gu.

You don't need to make a fuss! "

Hearing what Liu Ke said, Dian Wei was finally a little relieved, but he was still guarding the dragon chariot, keeping an eye on Emperor Xian all the time.

In Dian Wei's eyes, only Liu Ke, even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, would not be able to take his eyes off him.

But when Dian Wei was angry just now, Emperor Xian was taken aback, and even let go of Liu Ke's hand.

Such a brave aura even surpassed those of Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong that Emperor Xian had seen before.

Moreover, Dian Wei didn't care about whether the emperor was an emperor or not, and swept his pair viciously around the opponent.

This look made Emperor Xian feel as lonely and helpless as a little white rabbit rushing into a pack of wolves.

He had no intention of harming Liu Ke at all, and at this moment among the pack of tigers and wolves, he didn't dare to make the slightest movement. He sat in the dragon's chariot dangerously, and he didn't dare to vent his breath.

On the contrary, Liu Ke was much more relaxed.

He even had the leisure to start a family routine with Liu Xie.

Speaking of which, the two are of the same origin, so it is understandable to talk about family matters.

But generally Liu Ke took the initiative to ask, and Emperor Xian responded passively. Those who didn't know thought that the identities of the two were reversed.

"Who is this?" Emperor Xian finally couldn't restrain the curiosity in his heart and asked proactively.

Liu Ke saw that he was referring to Dian Wei who was running alongside Long Nian, and immediately introduced him with a smile.

"Your Majesty, this is Huben Zhonglang General Dian Wei, with the word Evil, who has been following Gu around since the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

This person is highly skilled in martial arts and loyal, His Majesty need not worry. "

After hearing this, Emperor Xian thought to himself: "It's you, the King of Chu, not me who is loyal and loyal. Of course, it's not safe for such a vicious man to stand by."

In fact, Liu Ke also saw what Emperor Xian was thinking. He knew that the heat was enough, and he couldn't keep coercing too much, so as not to backlash.

So he turned his head to Dian Wei and gave orders.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under Liu Ke's order, Dian Wei finally took a few steps back reluctantly.

However, he still didn't go far, just turned from the side of the dragon chariot to the back, still closely watching Emperor Xian.

Seeing this, Emperor Xian still heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the other party is still there, at least the big black man will not appear in his field of vision, which makes him relax a little.

Therefore, Emperor Xian had the thought of talking to Liu Ke.

From the other party's words, Liu Ke also knew what the other party had done during this time.

For this, Liu Ke still very much agrees, at least he has just entered Chang'an, so he doesn't have to bear this notoriety.

So he himself has no intention of killing Emperor Xian, and seeing him now is much more pleasing to the eye.

But before that, Liu Ke still has to test it out.

Liu Ke suddenly sighed and said: "Oh! Your Majesty has shown great favor to me. In fact, I was originally an idle master. If it wasn't for the Yellow Turban's riots, how could I get such a respected position.

Compared to now, Chen would rather return to his original identity and live an ordinary life. "

After hearing Liu Ke's words, Emperor Xian echoed from the bottom of his heart: "The king of Chu can't help himself, why can't I?

Born in the royal family, there are a few people who can do whatever they want.If Dong Zhuo hadn't brought disaster to the capital, I'm afraid I would still be King Chenliu.

In fact, I really really want to be a rich man one day, farming in my busy time and fishing in my free time, this is enough for the rest of my life. "

For Emperor Xian's words, Liu Ke did not sound like a fake, but rather sincere.

Therefore, he was also very satisfied, and he understood the other party's mind.

During the conversation between the two, the car driver finally approached Chang'an City.

At this moment, on the horizon, a majestic city rose from the ground.

It has to be said that under Cao Cao's strategy, Chang'an City has regained some of its glory in the past, and it is not as decayed as it was when Dong Zhuo fled.

But this happened to be a wedding dress for Liu Ke, and he picked the fruit.

Today, the day when the King of Chu entered the city was already full of uproar, and everyone in the city knew about it.

The whole city had already been decorated with lights and festoons, and red silk cloth was hung from top to bottom at the city gate.

Guo Jia, Xun You, and Lu Meng led all the civil and military officials, and the relatives of the emperor greeted them respectfully at the gate.

In fact, Guo Jia didn't need to deliberately organize these things, the royal relatives had already rushed over.

If Emperor Xian didn't allow them to go out to greet them, I'm afraid these people would have to follow thirty miles away to greet them.

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