These people have been severely punished by Emperor Xian recently, so at this moment, they are even more eager for the King of Chu to enter the capital as soon as possible, and to stop the emperor's sanctions.

For these moths attached to the interior of the empire, they don't care who is the emperor.

The only concern is how to maintain the interests in his hands.

Therefore, when Dong Zhuo came, these people attached to Dong Zhuo, and when Cao Cao came, they quickly changed their families and attached to Cao Cao.

Now that the king of Chu came, he naturally had no psychological pressure, so he had to change course.

For such people, Guo Jia, Xun You and even Lu Meng were very disdainful.

Therefore, they didn't notify each other at all, and they also expressed their unwillingness to be with them.

But these people were more active than each other, even the red silk cloth on the city wall was hung up by them.

Among them, the most energetic person is a person named Liu Ai.

This person currently holds the position of Zongzheng, an official who specializes in dealing with related affairs such as the emperor's relatives or relatives.

In the ancient tradition, the emperor is also nominally the head of the Liu clan, managing the affairs of the entire Liu clan.

But after all, the emperor has a lot of affairs to deal with every day, and there are endless military affairs.

This kind of trivial and trivial internal clan affairs can no longer bother him.

Therefore, the post of Zongzheng was specially set up to handle the internal affairs of the clan on behalf of the emperor.

Although he has no rights, his status is still relatively high, ranking among the nine ministers.

Speaking of which, Liu Ke is also a member of the same clan, so Liu Ai, who is an upright clan, naturally has to be more active in order to plan for his future.

Therefore, after seeing Emperor Xian welcoming Liu Ke's Luanjia back, all the relatives of the emperor, led by Liu Ai, immediately knelt down to greet him.

His speed was so fast that even Guo Jia, Xun You and others were stunned.

I thought to myself that these people were really in a hurry, just as they saw the figure in the distance clearly, they knelt down to greet them in a hurry.

When Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao came, they must have behaved like this.

So the attitude towards these people in my heart dropped a bit.

When everyone in Guo Jia saw Liu Ke gradually approaching, they brought the people behind them to salute together.

Everyone shouted in unison: "Welcome the King of Chu, and welcome His Majesty back to Luan. Long live your Majesty, long live your Majesty, and King Chu a thousand years ago!"

After shouting three times, Emperor Xian also waved his hands excitedly to signal everyone to get down.

However, at this moment, he was embarrassed to find that none of the people present listened to what he said.

This situation instantly made Emperor Xian look embarrassed, and he hung on the spot.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand, Guo Jia and others are originally Liu Ke's people, so naturally no one wants to sacrifice to the emperor.

And those ministers of civil and military affairs, the relatives of the emperor and the relatives of the country have also been severely punished by Emperor Xian recently, and they have long been resentful in their hearts.

Now that the king of Chu is here, he thinks that he finally doesn't have to be angry with Emperor Xian anymore, but he has to take the opportunity to humiliate him properly to vent his anger.

There are the most people from these two parties, and they don't understand, which makes those who were about to get up restless.

Seeing that everyone still knelt down and couldn't get up, Emperor Xian couldn't get down from the stage.

Liu Ke immediately said: "You don't need to be polite, everyone, get up!"

Until then, all the people finally stood up, still thanking the king of Chu, without mentioning the emperor.

At the beginning, Emperor Xian was indeed a little embarrassed and angry.

But his self-regulation ability is very strong, and he seems to put this matter behind him in a blink of an eye, as if nothing happened.

As for Liu Ke, he was also a little upset when he saw the behavior of the royal relatives at the scene.

They can treat Emperor Xian like this today, maybe they will treat themselves like this in the future.

But now that he has just entered Beijing, it is not easy for Liu Ke to explode on the spot.

But he has already memorized the appearance of the leaders among them, and he will have plenty of time to deal with them in the future.

Those people didn't know what Liu Ke was thinking, and instead they were complacent about what they did.

Especially that Zongzheng Liu Ai took the initiative to come to Luanjia and flatter Liu Ke.

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu, you are truly a blessing to the country and a role model for my Liu clan by sweeping away the evil spirits and cleansing the world.

This time, the clan specially made a Wanmin umbrella and presented it to the King of Chu, in order to show the achievements of the King. "

Seeing the situation, Liu waved his hand to accept it, and at the same time nodded in satisfaction to the other party.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke's Luanjia finally passed through the city gate and entered the city of Chang'an.

There was already a sea of ​​people here, and almost everyone came out to see the respectful face of the King of Chu.

Fortunately, Guo Jia had anticipated this scene long ago and arranged for sergeants to line up on both sides of the road.

Otherwise, even though Chang'an Street is wide, it would be overcrowded with so many people coming.

Fortunately, these common people and wealthy households have already recognized the King of Chu in their hearts, and this time they are just curious to see who the legendary King of Chu is.

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