Xi Xi glanced at the man, and the man shrank his neck immediately, not daring to speak.

Afterwards, Xi Ji continued, "Since everyone knows about it, why hasn't anyone dared to mention it in court?"


This word can be heard by everyone.

In fact, everyone knew about this rumor, but no one dared to bring it up.

If one accidentally offends Emperor Xian, the blood on the other side's butcher's knife is still dry?

Although he was able to do this by relying on the power given by the King of Chu, he didn't dare to bet on whether the other party would lose his mind.

After all, everyone knows the value of the throne.

In order to maintain the throne, any crazy thing can be done.

So, after Xi Xi's words, everyone fell silent.

Liu Ai reacted very quickly, seeing his face change slightly, he asked tentatively: "Hongyu, do you want it?"

The last sentence was not uttered, but everyone understood what he meant.

This time, Xi Xi finally said affirmatively: "That's right. Today's world is weak and unkind, and can't rule the world, which has caused these years of disasters.

Now that the King of Chu has leveled the world, thanks to the country, why don't you and I confirm this rumor and invite the emperor to take the throne and the King of Chu? "

"This, this is a matter of punishing the whole family!" One of them immediately said in a panic.

However, what he got in exchange was other supercilious eyes.

"Who punished you all over the family? Is he the emperor? He has no soldiers and no power, and everything depends on the support of the King of Chu.

If you and I are like this, although you will offend the emperor, you can win the trust of the king of Chu, which is more important, you can decide for yourself! "

"Hongyu is right!"

Liu Ai on the side immediately echoed.

Liu Ai was also greatly affected when the princes were leveled and the nobles were destroyed.

If he hadn't held the position of Zongzheng, he might have been sent to prison for questioning.

That's it, I even endured the pain and shed a lot of blood to get over this matter.

And this naturally caused resentment in his heart, but at that time, Emperor Xian had soldiers in his hands, so he didn't dare to say anything.

But my heart can't stand it.

When rumors of the Zen position were flying all over the sky, King Chu finally entered the capital, and he immediately felt that his opportunity had come.

It's just that I didn't dare to say this idea, and kept holding it in my heart.

Now that Xi Xi offered it, he immediately responded immediately.

"Your Majesty just gained a little power in his hands, and he treated us as worthless and killed the entire Chang'an city.

If we remain foolish and loyal, we will bring our own destruction.

It would be better to take advantage of the situation to make this rumor public, and take the initiative to invite His Majesty to take the throne.

When the king of Chu ascends the throne, we, as supporting ministers, will inevitably be rewarded with land and money!

Not only do you hold on to your worth, but you can even go one step further! "

"What Zongzheng said is very true, when the king of Chu entered the capital, you and I have not accomplished an inch, so how can we gain a foothold in this new dynasty?

Don't forget that the courtiers and generals of the king of Chu are full of talents.How can you and I still occupy a high position? "

This time, what Xi Xi said was even more serious, and he actually pointed out the pain points in everyone's hearts.

Indeed, as he said, if it were not so, none of these people would have the capital to settle down.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xi Xi's words made everyone's faces change drastically.

But everyone couldn't think of a word to refute, because what the other party said was true.

Although all the people followed Emperor Xian, they were loyal ministers who would never leave.

But for the King of Chu, without any achievements, naturally he will not be taken seriously at all.

There are still countless capable people in the opposing camp waiting to be assigned positions in the court.

People like myself will naturally face replacements.

Thinking of this, everyone here is not calm.

It is estimated that the only one with a slightly better complexion is King Dongping.

After all, he still has the title, but he will be confiscated if he fails to do so.

Therefore, under the guidance of Xi Ji, everyone finally understood the urgency of the matter.

This support was not only to save his life under the butcher knife of Emperor Xian, but also to make plans for his future.

So, King Dongping immediately said with his fat face trembling, "Hongyu, what should we do?

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