You have always been resourceful, so hurry up and give everyone some pointers! "

As he spoke, he gave him a big gift.

Others have followed suit, imploring the other party to speak up quickly.

Seeing everyone's performance, Xi Xi was very satisfied.

So he twirled his goat's whiskers and said: "This time, I will invite you to my residence as a colleague, so I naturally have a general idea.

It's just that Xi Xi is alone and weak, so he can't accomplish anything, and I hope everyone will help. "

"I will definitely not hesitate!" The rest of the people immediately replied in unison.

It's no wonder that when everyone's interests are involved, it is the moment when everyone is most united.

"Masters, do you know about the Grand Court Meeting in Lunar New Year every month?"

"Naturally, it's just that after Cao Cao came to power, fewer and fewer people participated in it, and finally it was gradually cancelled.

Could it be that Hongyu is planning to hold a grand court meeting? "

"That's right, that's right!" Chi Chi smiled and nodded.

"Before the Great Dynasty was canceled, it was because Cao Cao proclaimed the king to open the mansion, and all government orders could only be issued from the Wei Palace, so the Great Dynasty would lose its meaning.

But it's different now, the Cao thief fled westward, and the king of Chu recovered, so he naturally hoped to restore the old weather.

And isn't this grand court meeting just an opportunity to show the greatness of my great man?

So I think His Royal Highness King Chu will never refuse this request.

At that time, on the day when all civil and military officials gather in Weiyang Palace to hold a grand court meeting, it is time for me to act! "

After hearing Xi Xi's words, the others finally had confidence on their faces.

They immediately said: "Hongyu's plan is very clever, let's implement it accordingly."

As a result, everyone began to discuss the strategy at the Great Court Meeting.

First of all, Xi Xi took the initiative to ask Emperor Xian to restore the old system of the Dachaohui.

After it is confirmed, on the one hand, all officials will be organized to participate in the meeting, and on the other hand, a memorial to invite the Zen seat will be prepared in private.

At that time, Liu Ai, who is Zongzheng, will take the initiative to start, and the others will follow in turn.

Maybe at that time, other people will have to adapt to the wind and cling to keep up.

Then the call to ask for a Zen seat naturally became louder and louder, and Emperor Xian couldn't help but not respond.

In this way, the event is settled.

After discussion, everyone finally reached a consensus, and sneaked out of the mansion one by one.

It was late, and there were no pedestrians on the road.

Seeing this, everyone immediately returned to their mansion cautiously, without disturbing the night patrolling soldiers.

However, a letter had already appeared on Xun You's desk that night.

He opened the envelope, read it quickly, and couldn't help talking to himself.

"Unexpectedly, Guang Luxun is so quick to turn the rudder when he sees the wind!"

It turns out that this letter is exactly what happened in Xiji's residence.

I'm afraid even the other party can't imagine that the night party that they think is perfect has already been seen through by the other party.

In fact, this can't be blamed on the other party's lack of vigilance, but because Xun You's intelligence agency is very powerful.

Especially today, the king of Chu has just entered the capital. Under the seemingly calm surface, there are countless undercurrents.

Not only are there rich and powerful people with their own ghosts, but also Cao Pi's secret line in Chang'an.

That's why Xun You has to be more careful, and make sure everything is safe under the appearance of being loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

Since Xi Xi met his loyal ministers at night to discuss support and establishment, Xun You felt relieved.

Reduce the original level of alert to normal.

Sure enough, the next morning, Xi Xi and Liu Ai walked towards the palace together.

At this moment, Emperor Xian had just woken up.

He was used to this, after all, as an emperor who didn't need an early court, it was enough to sleep late.

After Emperor Xian went back, he talked about what happened during the day, and Empress Cao Jie heaved a sigh of relief after hearing what the other party said.

"It seems that the King of Chu will keep his promise and will not murder His Majesty!"

Thinking of that day when Cao Jie went to Chu King's Camp with the handwritten letter of Xiandi's Zen throne, the other party promised him, Cao Jie finally felt a little relieved.

However, the only thing she worries about now is the person in front of her.

That is to say, will Xiandi completely resign himself to the Zen position?

You must know that Emperor Xian has changed during this period, Cao Jie has seen everything in his eyes, for fear that the other party will be carried away.

Seeing the other party's pensive face, Emperor Xian also asked curiously: "Queen, what's on your mind?"

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