"No, no, Your Majesty." After Cao Jie was awakened, he immediately denied it.

However, Emperor Xian had already guessed a thing or two.

I only heard him say: "Oh! In fact, I already have a little sense of what the queen thinks.

I think the empress is worried about my safety! "

"Your Majesty is wise." Seeing that he had been seen through, Cao Jie had no choice but to admit it.

"Queen, don't worry, I've already figured it out. Although the throne is good, you need to have enough strength to be able to sit on it.

And I have been sitting for so many years, what contribution have I made for the big man?

It's not that they are in constant panic and can only rely on others!

Instead of this, it would be better if Dafang Fangchan is located in King Chu, I believe that the other party can still give you and my husband and wife a place to live. "

"Your majesty is wise, and your slaves don't ask for anything else. It is enough to just be by His Majesty's side all the time in this life!"

Saying that, the queen nestled in the arms of Emperor Xian, and for a moment the love between husband and wife was so deep that others envied others.

Just when Emperor Xian who got up in the morning was about to go further, the little eunuch outside the door suddenly came in.

"Your Majesty, Guang Luxun, Xiji and Zongzheng Liu Ai are asking to see you!"

"Oh?" Emperor Xian was very puzzled when he heard it.

Although he is now planning to go to Wushan with the queen, the other party's request to see him has disturbed his interest.

Emperor Xian had no choice but to rearrange his appearance and said, "Please wait at the Chengming Palace, both of you!"

Afterwards, he abandoned the queen, left Jiaofang Palace, and took a dragon chariot to Chengming Palace.

When Emperor Xian arrived at the Chengming Palace, Xi Ji and Liu Ai had already been waiting for a long time.

As soon as they saw Emperor Xian's royal driver, they immediately went down to the ground to salute.

Emperor Xian didn't put on airs, he asked the two to get up and asked the other party's purpose for coming this time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Chengming Hall, the two ministers had been waiting for a long time.

Suddenly a sharp voice shouted: "Your Majesty is here!"

The two quickly knelt aside, respectfully welcoming Emperor Xian's arrival.

"The two lovers are alive, I don't know if you came so early today, what can the two lovers have to say?"

Emperor Xian was in a good mood, so he took the initiative to ask.

Xi Xi and Liu Ai, you look at me, I look at you.

Xi Xi finally spoke.

"Your Majesty, I have been guarding Guang Luxun for many years and have been in charge of court affairs.

However, in recent years, Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao have messed up the government, established the government without authorization, and left the emperor with nothing.

This also makes my Great Han Dynasty Society useless, and it has been directly abandoned in recent years.

The minister Suye was worried, but because he was unable to repel the thieves and save the country, the court meeting was still unable to proceed.

Fortunately, the king of Chu swept the world and saved the country, and now he is making a pilgrimage to Beijing.

Therefore, in order to reflect my majesty and reorganize my appearance, today I and Zongzheng came here to meet the saint. "

After listening to the other party's words, Emperor Xian already roughly understood what he meant.

In fact, not only is Xi Ji, who is Guang Luxun, unable to organize the court meeting normally.

Even himself, the real emperor, has never really enjoyed it.

So when the other party said this, Emperor Xian was tempted instantly.

But he didn't agree directly, but looked at Liu Ai.

"Is Master Zongzheng thinking the same way?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, I agree with Lord Guang Luxun."

"Okay, Hongyu, tell me your specific thoughts."

Hearing this, Xixi immediately began to express the thoughts discussed earlier.

"Your Majesty, an ordinary court meeting is nothing. This time, the humble minister begged His Majesty to hold a grand court meeting.

According to the system, His Majesty will personally preside over the Grand Court Meeting every month.

Meet with all the Chinese, military and military officials in Beijing to discuss state affairs.

There are still five days left until the full moon.

Just in time to organize a big court meeting.

Meet with His Royal Highness King Chu and civil and military officials.

This is not only to show the majesty of my Han dynasty.

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