But since Xi Xi had already made up his mind, he wanted to do this support.

Don't be afraid of the other party's accusations.

Eloquently said the words that he had persuaded others before.

In the end, he said with a heartbroken heart: "If God does not take, you will be blamed instead.

The purpose of supporting the king of Chu this time is so that His Royal Highness the King of Chu can justifiably conquer the rebels after he ascends the throne of the world.

This move is all for the great Han Jiangshan Sheji!Gongda, can you be so indifferent? "

This time, Xun You finally smiled.

In fact, his previous performance was to test whether the other party had that determination.

In order to avoid the time to retreat under the attack of others, it will make the king of Chu unable to deal with himself.

Now that the other party has passed the test, Xun You will stop teasing him.

He also said solemnly: "This matter must not be talked about on the street. Hong Yu comes with me, and I will take you to meet the King of Chu."

After finishing speaking, Xun You took Chi Ji and walked towards Chu Palace again.

Originally, he was not far away when he came out, and he returned to the door within a few minutes.

But this time the concierge has a completely different attitude from before.

After seeing the person coming, he immediately said respectfully, "Master Xun, please come inside."

After speaking, he looked at Xi Ji with a puzzled expression, obviously he was very unfamiliar with him.

But after Xun You explained a few words, the concierge was no longer embarrassed, and immediately opened the door to let the two of them in.

It wasn't until this moment that Xi Xi finally sighed in his heart.

It seems that I am not a direct descendant of the King of Chu, wanting to meet is like going to heaven.

Now under the recommendation of the other party, there is no difficulty at all.

Since entering Chu Palace, Xi Xi immediately looked serious, not to mention talking, he didn't even dare to breathe.

He followed Xun You respectfully, for fear of offending the King of Chu with a little disrespect.

You know, he can't afford to offend anyone who is qualified to communicate with the palace.

At this moment, Liu Ke is indeed meeting with his ministers to discuss important matters.

Since Liu Ke regained Chang'an and Jing Zhaoyin, he has captured hundreds of spies or assassins from the three families of Cao, Liu, and Sun.

But it is conceivable that this is definitely not the only thing lurking around Chang'an City.

There must be many more, but they have not been discovered because of the depth of hiding.

For such a situation, Liu Ke's attitude is very firm.

That is to strictly investigate and never tolerate.

Because he understands that these people are actually like time bombs lurking inside him.

You never know when it will explode.

And these people are not idle, this time is not spreading rumors to smear Liu Ke.

It is to secretly sabotage, and even plot murder many times, the purpose is to create fear.

The Sun and Liu families are fine. Cao Cao has been operating in Chang'an for a long time, and it is really difficult to find out all the hidden nails in a short time.

Just when everyone was worried about this, the fiery Dian Wei yelled: "Your Majesty, this matter is also simple in my opinion."

"Oh? Why do you pay attention to the evil?" Liu Ke asked with interest after hearing this.

The others didn't expect that Dian Wei, who has always been reckless, would come up with an idea, and they all looked over curiously.

"It's not easy! I'll go door-to-door and arrest all suspicious people for interrogation. I don't believe I can't find them!"

After speaking, he looked at everyone proudly, as if showing off his resourcefulness.

Not to mention that there are really people who agree.

The loudest among them was Lu Bu.

I saw him yelling: "Oh, evil is really clever! Why didn't I think of it?"

Chapter One Thousand Three Hundred Fourteen

When Dian Wei heard Lu Bu's words, he immediately said triumphantly: "Feng Xian, in terms of martial arts, I am not as good as you.

In terms of resourcefulness, you are not as good as me!Ha ha ha ha! "

When Lu Bu heard this, not only was he not angry, but he took it seriously, and even said that he would ask Dian Wei for more advice in the future.

The two flattered each other like this, instantly enlivening the originally solemn atmosphere.

However, other people looked at them very strangely.

Especially the counselors looked at these two people with eyes that seemed to be mentally retarded.

The two of them are still unknown, and they are still complacent.

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