At this time, Zhang Liao said: "It's evil, I'm afraid this is not possible!"

Dian Wei and Lu Bu were proud of themselves, but they were suddenly denied.

He immediately pulled his face and said: "Wen Yuan, what's wrong? Could it be that you are jealous of my talent?"

When everyone heard it, they sweated profusely.

But Zhang Liao is also an honest man.

He quickly explained: "No, no! That's right.

Now that the king of Chu has just entered Beijing, if he makes such a big move, others will surely seize the opportunity to attack him.

What's more, such a big fanfare, on the contrary, scares the snake, making those people hide even deeper.

Even if we take a step back, the most affected people are the people in the city.

Now that people's hearts are fixed, they must not be stimulated again. "

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and even Liu Ke looked at Zhang Liao with a smile.

Dian Wei was also blocked by the other party's words and couldn't speak anymore.

He hesitated for a long time, but couldn't find a reason to refute, so he sat back with a full face of anger.

However, everyone was instantly laughed out loud by his performance, which made Dian Wei even more embarrassed.

At this time, Liu Ke finally spoke.

"Okay, okay. Everyone, don't make fun of Evil. How to say that he is actively making suggestions is also a good intention."

Hearing Liu Ke's praise, Dian Wei, who was a bit listless, immediately straightened his back and became airy again.

However, this time Liu Ke did not continue to give him the opportunity to perform.

Instead, start deploying the next arrangement directly.

"Ziming, Fengxiao, the two of you came to Beijing earlier, and you know more about the situation here than anyone else.

This matter is still left to you to do.Gu hope, within half a month, all the nails buried in Chang'an by the three families must be pulled out! "

When the two heard the words, they immediately got up and took orders.

At this moment, a waiter came in quietly and said to Liu Ke, "His Royal Highness, Lord Xun Youxun is asking to see you outside."

"Oh? Gongda is here. It happens that Gongda can also participate in this matter. Hurry up and announce him."

But the waiter said again: "Your Majesty, Lord Xun brought a guest today and said that he wanted to visit the King. He said that the person was Guang Luxun Xiji."

At this time, Liu Ke finally stopped.

He didn't expect the other party to bring an unexpected guest.

Just as he was wondering, Zhuge Liang, who was sitting next to him, shook his feather fan with a confident face and said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid that's exactly why Xixi came here this time!"

While others were still puzzled, Jia Xu, Lu Su, Guo Jia and others showed the same expression.

After being reminded by Zhuge Liang, Liu Ke also suddenly realized.

"According to Kong Ming, how should Gu Ying deal with it?"

"Maintaining the status quo!"

Zhuge Liang only gave six words, and then remained silent again.

Liu Ke understood what he meant.

However, when meeting with each other, Liu Ke still pushed the others away first, leaving only Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu, Lu Su, and Guo Jia.

Because of this matter, they had discussed with themselves before.

Others don't know the situation, and if they say it here, it will ruin their own plan.

Especially Dian Wei and Lu Bu, who can't talk but brains.

After everyone left slowly, Xun You came in with Xi Ji.

Seeing Liu Ke, Xixi immediately fell to the ground, and even bowed three times and kowtowed respectfully before getting up.

"Lord Hongyu, I don't know why you are looking for the lonely king?"

"His Royal Highness Chu, His Majesty ordered that the Great Court Meeting will be held in Weiyang Palace on the first day of next month.

Calling all civil and military officials to discuss the country's affairs, this humble post is specially here to report to His Highness King Chu. "

Xi Xi replied respectfully.

"Okay, got it."

Liu Ke replied noncommittally, and then didn't give any instructions.

In an instant, he left the trembling Chi Ji there, but his heart was even more uncertain.

At this time, Xun You, who was beside him, finally added that Xi Xi had more important things to do this time.

With Xun You smoothing things over, Xi Xi finally speaks out his idea of ​​support.

Unexpectedly, the expected grace not only failed to qualify, but what greeted him was the anger of the King of Chu.

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