"Xi Ji, do you know that just based on what you said just now, this king can punish you for a serious crime of killing nine clans."

Hearing this, Xixi knelt down on the ground instantly in fright, trembling all over, unable to speak, only kowtowed vigorously.

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang immediately stood up to excuse the other party.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Guang Luxun may have been affected by the rumors, that's why it happened just now. Please don't blame him, Your Majesty."

Chi Chi immediately cast a grateful look at Zhuge Liang.

Little did they know that all of this had been arranged by the other party long ago.

In the end, Liu Ke, who is the protagonist of this support, naturally sternly refused without compromise.

However, Xi Xi still found that although the king of Chu spoke resolutely, the counselors under him seemed to have wavered.

In fact, it is understandable if you think about it.

Now they are only the subordinates of the King of Chu, and they are only three to five hundred shi's subordinates.

If the king of Chu ascends the throne as emperor, they will immediately transform themselves, add officials and become nobles, and bless their children and grandchildren.

Therefore, when he walked out of Chu Palace, Xi Ji was still thinking about whether this matter should continue.

In the end, he concluded that it was still carried out as planned.

Because according to the performance of those counselors under the king of Chu, Xi Xi knew that the other party also had the same idea.

Now that he has been punctured by himself, I am afraid that those people will also persuade the King of Chu to accept it.

And even if the king of Chu still refuses at that time, no one dares to do anything to him with the guarantee of these people who think the same as him.

So, in the end, Xi Xi finally made up his mind.

That's it!

After he left, Liu Ke ordered again:

"Gongda, we must closely monitor every move of these people.

The lonely king felt that if they did this, they would definitely leak the news.

Maybe at that time, the various spies who were originally lurking in Chang'an will be drawn out instead.

At that time, we can just sit on the sidelines and wait for them to catch them all. "

"Your Majesty, Liang has a plan to kill two birds with one stone."

"Oh? Kong Ming, please speak up." Liu Ke immediately regained his energy.

"Your Majesty, why don't we take the initiative to leak this news.

After the spies get the news, they will definitely convey this back.

I believe that whether it is Cao Cao, Liu Bei or Sun Ce, they will definitely take actions to destroy it, and they will never sit back and watch this happen. "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke was very satisfied with Zhuge Liang's strategy.

His move is actually to lure the snake out of the hole clearly, and then catch them all in one go.

The strategy is not difficult to say, and I am afraid that other people who have some thoughts can also see a thing or two.

However, the power of this strategy lies in the fact that the other party knows that there is a fraud in it.

But he still couldn't remain indifferent and let Emperor Xian complete his abdication smoothly.

Because Liu Ke is different from Xiandi, Xiandi is just a polished commander with no soldiers and no power.

Other princes are yin and yang, and it is enough to maintain a respect in name.

As for any arrangements for appointments, each may go his own way.

But if Liu Ke succeeds in ascending the throne as emperor, then he will be a legitimate Son of Heaven.

As long as Liu Ke gives an order, none of Sun Liu Cao's family can remain indifferent.

However, how could they obediently hand over power.

In this way, Liu Ke can directly announce the rebellion of the other party in the name of the emperor of the Han Dynasty and launch a crusade.

The three families of Sun, Liu, and Cao are not as powerful as Liu Ke.

If he loses his righteousness again, it will definitely make the already sluggish morale even more vulnerable.

It's hard to guarantee that his subordinates, who were already erratic, will surrender in anticipation and turn their heads to punish themselves.

Therefore, as long as there is a trace of selfishness in the heart of the group of heroes, no one can sit quietly and watch the normal progress of the Zen position.

Sure enough, Liu Ke followed Zhuge Liang's suggestion and arranged for his subordinates to release the news that day.

So Guang Luxun and Xi Ji just released the news that the Great Court Meeting will be held on the first day of next month.

Rumors spread in the market that the ministers were going to invite Emperor Xian to sit in the king of Chu at the great court meeting.

The previous rumors were just the beginning, without beginning or end, and did not convince everyone.

But now it is rumored that there is a nose and an eye, and even the specific time has been released.

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